origin x calm and smart reader

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Thank you to lazy_ipad for suggesting this, this is in a school au, cause i wanna!)

Your pov:

I was walking down the hall carrying my books and paper's surrounded by the popular kid group you might ask why i was surrounded by those kids

Well to answer your question im there tutor, i help them keep their grades above a c- and in return they escort me around the school and protect me from bullys

At first i didn't want anything to do with them i just wanted to help them then leave, but after a while i kind of grew attached to the idiots, but there my idiots

My group of idiots consists of, nightmare, void, dark, and illusion. Im what they call the glue to them, they say that the reason that they stay so close with eachother is cause of me they say that i stick them together

As we were walking they were all chatting about random things, i looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, 'time to go to the library for their tottering session' i thought to myself

"Alright you group of loser's its intervention, y'all go to the library while i go grave my brother"

Mummers of 'ok's' and 'be careful's came from the group of Steve's around me, slowly they started to head to the library and i walked down to the freshman wing to pick up my baby brother

Once i got to the freshman wing i walked down to my baby brothers class room, i stood outside the room and waited for him to come out

He walked out of the room carrying three books that looked heavy and they had papers sticking out of some of the pages and he was looking at a paper on top of the books

"Hey sabre what 'cha looking at?"

He stopped infront of me, he looked tired and stressed but he also looked determined, he handed me the paper he was looking at

I looked at the paper and saw that it was some algebra homework

"Im looking at all my home work that needs to be done at the end of the week"

I hand sabre his homework back and start to walk to the library

" come on baby brother lets go"

As i walked i could hear sabre's foot steps behind me and the shuffling of papers every now and again

As we made it to the library as walk in i could see my group of losers sitting at our usual table with all their work infront of them but there was a new guy with them

I tell sabre to got to his usual stop and start to work on his work and that i would be there to help him in a minute he die as he was told and i walk over my group of loser's

I end up walking up behind nightmare and void who where sitting across from the new guy, i put my hand on voids shoulder and leanded on him a little looking at the new guy

"So whose the new guy?"

Void swatted me off of him as the new guy introduced himself

Origin: hello im origin steve origin for short, i just moved here and this is my first day, my grade's have been going down through the move so the teachers suggested that i come ask this person named Y/N for help

As he was talking i was helping void and nightmare with their work, when he was done talking i looked up at him and said

"Well you found me, my name is Y/N, i have a tottering club but i only let people i see that achly want to change in"

Origin: understandable, but i wanted to ask if i could become part of this club..

I looked around at thr four of my Steve's and my baby brother

Dark: come on Y/N let him in, hes just like us

Illusion nodded with dark, i looked down at void and nightmare, they both were nodding, i looked back up at origin

"Fine, don't be late to any of the tottering sessions and take care of your grades and school work like your life depends on it, and welcome to the club"

Time skip brought to you by scottland and Ireland still trying to go to floor 11)

Its been almost a year since origin joined my group of loser's and ever since he did his grade's never went below a B-

Im proud of my group of loser's they've come a long way from when i first started tottering them especially origin.

Speaking of origin, i look up from some of the work i was helping my baby brother with and looked across the table at origin who was studying for finals

Then the school bell rang signaling the end of the school day, my group of loser's started to pack their stuff up and i helped sabre pack up

Everyone walked out of the library, as me and my baby brother were walking out of the school origin call out to me, stopping me, me and my baby brother turned to him

Origin: hey Y/N, i just wanted to tell you, thank you for alowing me into your group and helping me

"Its no problem origin, your part of my group of loser's, i got your back when"

I sware i saw him blush a little, i thought that he was just frustrated at being called a loser

"Im sorry to cut this conversation short but me and sabre need to get back home, see ya' origin, come on sabre"

I turned away from origin and walked away

Third person pov:

Origin was blushing both at being frustrated at being called a loser and at how cute Y/N was

Sabre cleared his throat and gave the best glare at origin he could with his bandanna on

Origina looked down at sabre as sabre took two of his finger's pointed them at his eyes and then pointed his finger's at origin then walked after his older sister

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