yandere dad nightmare x male child reader

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Thank you to Melissa20660 for requesting this, and real quick AN for anyone who has or is planing to request, i just want you to know that when you give me a request you are giving me total creative freedom over it so if i change it a little like i did to the last chapter and this one so don't get mad because this was your warning)

Nightmare's pov:

Its been 5 years since my wife gave birth to my youngest Y/N, but sadly she died in labor, dark and i were devastated when we got the news, i then started to worry for our childs safety, was our child safe? Was our child dead with their mother?

I started to silently panick untill the doctor brought a bundle of blue blankets out of the delivery room, he gave me a sad smile and handed me the bundle saying 'sorry for your lose' then he walked away

I looked down to the bundle in my arms and flipped part of the blanket off of the face of a beautiful baby boy, this was my youngest baby, he was alive and healthy, relief washed over me overpowering the sadness, and in honor of my wife i named my new baby boy the name my wife had loved

Nightmare: your name will be Y/N

*back to the present*

I looked out in the field where both of my boys were having fun playing what looked to be tag, i smiled to myself feeling a sense of pride as i watched my children
I turned away from my boys to have one of my servants make lunch for my boys, once the servent was off to make lunch i turned back to the feild were my boys were, but something was wrong i could feel it

Then i heared it, it was one of my boys yelling as the other one sobbed, my heart broken hearing one of my boys sobbing as i quickly fly in the direction that the yelling was coming from

I flew into the woods as the sound of yelling and sobbing grew louder and louder, once i found my boys anger filled me

There on the ground all bloody and beaten was Y/N and standing infront of Y/N protecting him was Dark he was also bloody and beaten but not as bad as Y/N

Infront of my boys was a group of red Steve's, one of them had a knife while the other's held sticks or nothing, i silently landed behind a tree and peak out watching them, if these red steve attacked my boys i want to catch them in the act

The red Steve in the front witch must have been the leander of the group chuckled as the other red Steve's smirked, dark held his ground standing protectively infront of his baby brother

The red steve in the front went to punch dark but dark put his training to good use and put his arms infront of his face blocking the hit or having his arms take the hit

Dark: get away from us....we've done nothing to you guys...

Red steve leader: you are the sons of the evil nightmare king, animal's like you shouldn't be aloud to live!

The red steve yelled as anger flooded me, the red steve punched dark again only for dark to block with his arms again, the red steve grew angrier the more dark blocked his punches

Red steve: just die you spawn of evil!!

The red steve yelled and went to punch dark in the stumick but dark acted quickly and graved the red steves arm and twisted the arm trowing the red steve to the ground, i smiled to myself, 'so it was worth teaching them how to fight' i thought to myself as i watched my boys

The red Steve on the ground groaned in pain and dark spat on him, dark then bent down and graved the red Steve's chin, at this point the red Steve's group had run away, dark lifted the red Steve's head up and said

Dark: don't act tough if you can easily get your ass handed to you, next time don't be so cocky and actually learn to fight

Dark then threw the red Steve's head back to the ground and quickly went to his baby brother's side helping him up, i walked out from behind the tree i was hiding behind and quickly went over to my boys acting like i never saw the fight

Nightmare: boys there you are! I was so worried...what happened to you two?! You both are so beaten and bloody!


Y/N cried and flung himself into my arms as i held him as i looked to dark and he explained what had happened

The red Steve's had jumped them and dark tried to protect Y/N by taking the hits but at one point he got knocked out and they all ganged up on Y/N, my blood boiled as i looked to the red steve on the ground

I handed Y/N to dark and told him to head back home and i would follow them in a moment, they both lefted as i looked to the overreacting Steve on the ground, i raised my foot above his head and smashed my foot through his skull killing him, i then turned and walked after my boys

Time skip to a few weeks later brought to you by Third still running away from soviet*

Its been weeks and my boys are still comeing home every day with new bruises and cuts, then one day i decided that this world was no longer safe for my boys, so i created a new world called the nightmare demechion so that no one would want to enter my world

I them teleported the house to the demechion closing off all exits to the world besides me being able to leave at will

This world would be safe for my boys and far away from anyone so i cane make sure they stay safe no mater what, i would do anything for my boys if creating a new world wasn't enough to show that

But i swore to myself that i wouldn't keep my boys here for their entire lives if they wished to leave, so i would make the original world safe for them, don't worry dark and Y/N soon you both will be safe in every world you go to.

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