Meet Eleanora

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First Name: Eleanora

Last Name: Jones

Nickname: Project J2298 (HYDRA)

Ellie (Most People)

Nora (Captain America)

Love (Edward Cullen)

Little Sis (Emmett Cullen)

Elle (Rosalie Hale and Alice Cullen)

Jones (Bella Swan)

Kid (Tony Stark)

Angel (Avenger Name)

Gender: Female

Age: 21 (Stopped aging at 16)

Species: Genetically Engineered Humanoid

Birthday: 22nd June 1998

Love Interest: Edward Cullen


Eye Colour: Pale Blue

Hair Colour: White

Hair Style: Going down to the small of her back, usually braided.

Skin Tone: Pale

Body Type: Thin with curves women would kill for

Height: 5' Foot, Smaller than even Alice


Personality: Initially shy and reserved so used to mistreatment she takes a while to really develop trust. She has so much curiosity she grew up not even knowing the outside world existed so now she just wants to know everything. When she gets close to someone, she is fiercely loyal and will do anything to help who she deems worthy.

Fears: Water (Because she heals so quickly, drowning was a frequent torture in HYDRA)

Special Powers/Abilities: White Feathered Wings (Flight)

Solid Energy (She can create energy that she can shape into anything, this can be used for physical combat)

Master in Hand to Hand Combat

Master in all Weaponry

Accelerated Healing (To the point that she cannot die or even age)

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Intelligence

Weapons: Her preferred weapon is a scythe created with her solid energy

Weakness: Vampire venom; while it doesn't kill her, it greatly weakens her and shuts off her healing ability allowing her to succumb to mortal wounds. 

Scent: Smells like home with a hint of honey, her scent overpowers all others in the vicinity, it takes away a vampires thirst.

Life Story: Patient J2298 was created by HYDRA to be the next great weapon, they built her from the ground up every strain of DNA carefully chosen until they had the perfect child, she was born with large angel-like wings. HYDRA spent the next 16 years teaching her combat and infiltration but they never told her why, they kept everything about the outside world secret she didn't know that anything existed outside the facility she was raised in. She had many tutors over the years, once when she was 14 she had a new tutor, a SHIELD infiltrator, he carefully added extra information into her syllabus, quietly hoping HYDRA wouldn't notice as he taught her small parts about the outside world. He was only with her for a month. When she was 16 the Avengers infiltrated and destroyed the facility, she was discovered and rescued. The Avengers finally gave her a name chosen by Steve (Eleanora), they taught her everything about the outside world, thanks to her enhanced intelligence she picked it up quickly and was finally ready to discover the world on her own. The Avengers wanted her to stay with them in New York, she was part of the family, but she decided she would be better off somewhere smaller, less intimidating, less dangerous, somewhere like Forks, Washington. 

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