Chapter 8

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It was the day after Christmas and Ellie was once again around the Cullen house, she seemed to spend more time there than in her own home She knew she was neglecting her training, but she was enjoying being normal too much to spare it a thought. Most of the Cullens had gone out hunting, although they had told Ellie they were going shopping. It was only her and Edward left in the house and neither could stop thinking about the kiss they had shared the day before.

The two were in Edwards room lounging on his bed (purchased specifically for Ellie) talking about everything they could think of, learning everything they could about the other, although each were feeling guiltier and guiltier for not sharing their greatest secrets. Although Ellie personally felt she didn't need to share her secret until he shared his, whether she already knew or not was irrelevant in her mind, it was more about the trust rather than the actual knowledge.

"I can't believe he did that." Edward was laughing as Ellie finished a story about the time Tony built a giant spider robot to join Clint in the tower vents.

"I swear I have never seen a grown man cry like that." She gasped out between giggles wiping a tear from her eye. Edward lay on his side calming himself down and taking in her beautiful features as she laughed.

They continued on like this for hours, swapping stories and laughing. Eventually Ellie felt her eyes begin to droop and she succumbed to sleep. Edward continued to take in her features completely relaxed. He lay back arms behind his head when she moved and cuddled up to his chest, he couldn't help the grin that split his face in two, she fit in his side so perfectly. He closed his eyes and just took in the peace and joy.

A few hours later the rest of the Cullens returned, Alice immediately scenting her new best friend bounded up to Edwards room. Upon entering she saw Ellie asleep and Edward feigning sleep.

"Edward?" She questioned tilting her head to one side in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"Pretending to sleep in case she wakes up." He replies not opening his eyes.

"Oh Edward, you are completely ridiculous. When are you going to sack up and tell her we're vampires?" She questioned rolling her eyes.

"Shh, not so loud." He whispered eyes shooting open to give his sister a dark look. "I don't want her to get tainted by our darkness, she's so perfect, I mean look at her, she'd the very definition of light, so kind and innocent. I don't want to lose that." He rambled never taking his eyes off his sleeping mate. Alice sighed and started looking into the future, but since Edward was so determined not to tell her she couldn't see what would happen if he did.

"Alice?" Jaspers southern drawl came from the hall. "Leave him alone darlin, you know it's his choice." Alice just pouted at her husband, shot a dark look at her brother thinking some very choice words about his decision before getting up and leaving in a sulk. Edward and Jasper gave each other a nod before the latter followed his irate wife. Edward settled back down with Ellie in his arms looking into her sleeping face he started thinking over all his possible options, he would not lose her, which meant her becoming a vampire, but he wanted that to be her decision and to have that decision she had to know what vampires were which meant he had to tell her no matter how much he didn't want to.

 A/N sorry this is just a short filler chapter I was just very aware that I hadn't updated in a while. I'm kind of struggling with this story I love Ellie and Edward and I have like the big conflict chapters perfectly planned out but if anyone has any ideas for the build-up I'd really appreciate the input, I'm better with the big ideas and not very good with romance. 

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