Chapter 6

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Edward decided to skip the last class of the day; he couldn't handle having to listen to Bellas constant demands and whining. He just wanted to sit and replay the last hour over in his head, to think about every second he spent in close proximity to his mate. He went out to his car and sat eyes closed listening to some calming music waiting for the bell to ring so he could possibly catch a glimpse of his white haired beauty.

The bell rang what felt like seconds and yet years later and the parking lot filled up with teens rushing to get home. The rest of the Cullen siblings were amongst the first to reach the cars and Edward stood to greet them.

"I invited Elle to the house." Rosalie states nonchalantly, as if it were no big deal. Every other head snaps to her. Not only did Rosalie make an effort with Edwards mate but she is actively planning to engage with a human. She rolls her eyes and scoffs at their reactions. "What? I can be nice." She huffs. The siblings break off into small conversations waiting on the petite human while Edward stares towards the school.

"I'm going to break it off with Bella." Edwards says out the blue. Rosalie beams the biggest shit eating grin, while the others all have much more appropriate smiles knowing how much simpler it will make their lives to not have to deal with Bellas scent or her desperation to be turned. He sees Bella making her way over to her rusted truck and pushes himself off where he was leaning on the silver Volvo, while leaving to speak with her he can hear his families ecstatic thoughts following him.

"Hey Bella, do you mind if I come over for an hour." He questioned hoping this would be easy.

"Of course, we can spend some alone time in my room." She said in what she thought was a seductive manner but just came out a bit awkward. He cringed imperceptibly. Before climbing into the passenger seat he caught a glimpse of his family all laughing with his mate, suddenly filled with jealously and determination he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible so he can go home and try to win over his love. Bella was taking a while to get herself together, leaving him to look out the window where Ellie and Rosalie were climbing into her adorable VW Beatle. Ellie looks over and the two lock eyes, her pale blue orbs capture his attention and he wants nothing more to climb out the hideous truck and pull the petite woman into his arms, it took all of his self-restraint to stay seated. She gave him a shy smile and a wave which he was about to return when he saw Bella give her a foul look from the corner of his eye before she pulled the car out of the lot.

"What's your problem with Ellie?" He questions annoyed.

"Everyone treats her like she's the greatest thing ever, I can't believe she had the nerve to speak to your siblings." She sulks. "I mean who is so desperate for attention they dye their hair white." She continued to criticise and mope under her breath but Edward could hear every word.

"That's enough." He scolded unable to listen to her disparagements of his perfect girl any longer. "You haven't even given her a chance. Plus it's the exactly the same way as everyone treated you. Or is that the problem? Somebody else is getting your attention." He paused for a second. "Also she told you her hair was natural it's not nice to pick on things people can't control. I thought you were better than that." He finishes leaving the rest of the drive to be surrounded in an awkward silence both parties fuming.

Bella pulls up to the her house and the two enter, upon seeing that Charlie wasn't home she was hopeful she could salvage her night and finally get her way. She had spent months trying to convince Edward to either sleep with her or change her, both preferably. He had thwarted her every move, from running off to meet James to cutting herself in the presence of the Cullens weakest link, none of her plans had worked. She was getting desperate, she wanted to be a vampire more than anything, she wanted beauty, power, influence, immortality and most of all the Cullens, she wanted them to fall at her feet and fawn over her. Her current plan was to claim Edward completely, he was old fashioned she just knew if she could get him in bed he'd follow her forever.

"Come on let's go to my room." She says stumbling up the stairs. While he uncomfortably follows her, his mind focused on breaking up with her cleanly, like ripping off a Band-Aid. She sits on her bed and pats next to her but he moves across the room and sits in the chair in the corner. He'd spent a lot of time in that chair trying to convince himself he could be happy without a mate, that Bella would be enough, now that he had met Ellie these thoughts seemed ludicrous he could never be as happy as the others without his mate.

"I need to talk to you about something." He starts making Bella sit up with how serious he sounded. Maybe this was it, he was finally going to cave.

"I found my mate." "I'm ready." They said simultaneously. There was a second of dumbfounded silence before.

"WHAT!" Bella screeched. "I'm your mate!" Edward sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation, while Bellas face got redder.

"I've tried explaining this before, you don't understand vampire culture enough and refuse to listen when we explain. This is why I didn't want you to become like us, because you're not supposed to be. After almost 100 years I found who I was meant to be with and I'm sorry but it was never you" He tried to be gentle, she knew his secret and they couldn't move before he made Ellie his.

"Is this why you were defending that vile new girl?" she questioned furious.

"Don't talk about her like that." He tried to keep his temper but he would not allow her to speak badly of his soulmate.

"What about me? I'm supposed to be your forever." She practically begged.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have led you on. I shouldn't have let it go this far. But I had given up hope and was willing to settle." He said ashamed of his behaviour, he hadn't been fair to either Bella or Ellie when he pursued one he wasn't meant to be with.

"SETTLE? I am miles better than that white haired slut." She shrieked. Before she could start her next insulting sentence Edward had flown across the room and grabbed hold of her neck.

"Never speak of her that way ever again." He growled. She nodded with fear in her eyes before he dropped her onto the bed taking a step back. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He said remorsefully. Bella sat silently on the bed as her world crashed around her. Edward quietly left and ran home feeling freer and happier than he had since he started seeing Bella.

When he got back to the house he smiled upon hearing Ellie and Rosalie chatting and laughing in the garage. He walked into the kitchen to see a smiling Esme.

"Oh she's just wonderful Edward, and so pretty." He can hear the love and joy rolling off her, if she could she would cry with happiness, her family was so close to being everything she could want.

"Thanks Esme, I can't wait to spend my life with her." He grins.

"Here take the cookies out to the girls and make an impression on her." She says with a conspiratorial smile. Edward took the plate kissed her temple in thanks and made his way out the room, planning what he would say.

He walked out towards the garage, a plate of cookies in hand, excited to talk to his mate. Rosalie excuses herself pretending to go to the bathroom.

"And what do you think you're doing?" She queries leaning against the hallway wall.

"I'm going to talk to my mate." He growls at her hearing her plan to keep him away, at least for today.

"Girls only." She smirks taking the plate off him and sashays away. He hears Ellie thanking Rose and groans stomping up to his room, he can hear several chuckles from around the house. 

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