Chapter 4

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A/N I just wanted to do a quick shout out to everyone who read, voted and commented so far I really appreciate it.

Ellie was thoroughly enjoying her first day of school, it was everything she had hoped it would be. She was so excited to have real friends her own age, ones that didn't know her story and never gave her looks of pity. After she had met Rosalie, who she had to admit was her favourite new friend, she met a lovely but shy girl called Angela, a very talkative girl named Jessica that reminded her of the mean girls from the movie Wanda had forced her to watch in preparation and a few boys they were friends with, Ellie really wasn't sure about them they gave her a weird vibe especially Jessica's boyfriend Mike, he looked at her the way Tony looked at the girls from his parties.

She had missed lunch with Rosalie which she felt bad about, but she had found the schools library and had completely lost track of time, she was glad she was going to her house after school she'd be able to apologise then. She was broken out of her bookish distraction by the end of lunch bell, quickly gathering her things she scurried off to her next class, Biology.

She bumped into Mike at the classroom door, he gave her an appraising look and went to open his mouth, before being knocked back by a tall figure.

"Hey Cullen watch where you're going." Mike said scowling at the pale figure that had appeared as if from thin air.

"Oh gosh, sorry Mike he mustn't have seen you there" Bella grimaced from behind Edward, she turned and saw Ellie standing there as well. "Who are you? What's up with the white hair?" She questions obnoxiously. While Edward let out a quiet growl when he sees Ellies smile drop for a second, it was the first time she hadn't smiled but she regained it quickly though it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"I'm um, Eleanora Jones and it's natural, um genetic I guess." She said suddenly self-conscious, trying to tuck her hair behind her ear as if it would make it less noticeable. Bella just shrugged her shoulders and walked into the classroom Mike close on her heels. Ellie was about to follow before Edward stopped her.

"I like your hair." He said simply in his angelic voice, Ellies heart sped up taking in the handsome man in front of her for the first time while blood rushed to her cheeks and she looked down. He put a finger under her chin making her look up and brought the hair out from behind her ear. When he touched her bare skin, both felt the sparks, it made Ellie realise something. HYDRA had taught her a lot about the supernatural and had enhanced her senses so she could feel what someone was from a touch and in that second she felt what Edward was but looking up into his eyes she found that there was just something about him that made her not care. She gave him a shy smile, this time it lit up her whole face, and a nod of thanks before entering the classroom. She left Edward alone in the hall where he closed his eyes trying to remember what it felt like to touch her and breathing in her scent, it was like the smell of the chocolate factories on the other side of the Chicago River, the lavender his mother used to grow in their garden with a slight sweetness of honey, he couldn't even smell Bella when he was next to her.

He quickly entered the classroom not wanting to draw any unwanted attention, he smiled slightly upon hearing Dr Banners plan to give them a seating chart, he had already become sick of some students messing around.

"Alright guys let's not get comfortable yet, everyone come to the front and find your assigned seat." Dr Banner announced getting a series of groans as a response. Bella frowned with a pout when she saw she'd been moved away from Edward, not only that but he'd been put on the other side of the room with the new girl.

Edward took his seat next to his perfect mate, the second she was settled it hit him. Absolute silence, no thoughts bothered him but his own. He looked over to take in her appearance, she was everything he could have wanted. He examined how her long white hair fell in perfect curls down her back, the curve of her perfect lips, her piercing blue eyes that he wanted to look at him, she was tiny and everything to him.

Edward couldn't hear her thoughts, or the thoughts of anyone else. Perhaps this was her ability he mused. This was the first time he had ever been in true silence, it just proved she was his mate, her mental silence was the only thing Alice could tell him to help find her. He was drawn to her like never before, her scent made him want to claim her, nuzzle his head into her neck and stay there forever.

She hadn't acknowledged him yet, too busy rooting through her bag looking for a pen.

"You can borrow mine if you like. I'm Edward Cullen by the way." Edward said in an attempt to get her attention. She turned to look at him with a smile, which he couldn't help but return, her smile would have knocked him breathless if he needed to breathe.

"That's fine, I have one." She said pulling it out. He had a great desire to make a good impression. He needed her to like him, to be his, more than she knew. She focused on the lesson although he could see her steal glances at him with slightly pink cheeks. When there was a slight lull in the class, she turned to him with a smile.

"I'm Eleanora, you probably heard in the hall, but I thought I'd introduce myself anyway. You can call me Ellie though, most do." She rambled. Her cheeks getting increasingly darker. Edward couldn't help but smile. 

They continued to do their classwork in a comfortable silence, Edward mentally scolding himself desperately trying to think of some way to engage this beautiful human in conversation. While Ellie continued to examine him out the corner of her eye taking in his appearance, she knew he was a vampire although the gold eyes said that he didn't drink from humans, there was something about him that intrigued her. All too soon the bell rang, Edward turned to finally talk to his mate but before he could even open his mouth Bella appeared at his side giving Ellie a cruel look.

"Hey Emma, I see you met my boyfriend." Bella said with a smirk. Edward frowned from behind her seeing Ellie close in on herself slightly.

"Oh it's erm Ellie." She corrected politely, not having enough social knowledge to recognise that Bella got her name wrong on purpose. She quickly collected her things feeling uncomfortable and left the room without looking back, leaving a smug Bella and a sad and angry Edward.

"What was that?" He asked upset turning to face Bella.

"What I didn't like how she was looking at you, I figured you wouldn't have liked it either." She defends.

"You had no right; you were purposely cruel. I didn't think you were that kind of girl." He's almost yelling, you can hear the anger in his voice while she just huffs.

"Whatever, she's clearly a freak, everyone's already saying so." She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms trying to convince him.

"Yeah, just like the Cullens are freaks." He practically spits at her. He walks away not waiting for her to catch up although he can hear her stumbling after him. Now that Ellies no longer next to him all the thoughts have returned irritating him again as he tries to focus on his own thoughts, all swirling around the tiny white-haired girl and how he'd make her his, especially now Bella had made it known she was definitely going to be a problem. 

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