Chapter 3

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It took 5 days in the end, Ellie wanted to make the most of her trip across the country, she stopped whenever something caught her eye exploring the world at leisure. She had just pulled up at the house Tony had arranged for her. It was a small cottage in the middle of the forest just a few miles out of town. It had a real homey feel but she had already found the secret door that led to a lab and gym in the basement so she wouldn't become rusty. It was perfect she had the weekend to settle in before her first-ever day of high school. The school year may have been a few weeks in already but that didn't dampen her spirit. She spent the weekend at home with one trip out to the supermarket just settling in and getting ready to start her new life.

Monday Morning.

All of the Cullens had stayed away from Bella over the weekend needing time to collect their thoughts. They were now stood in the school parking lot waiting for another day in purgatory to begin. They could hear the rusted truck pulling into the parking lot, Edward heaved a sigh knowing that she would be unbearable today. Just as he's about to walk inside in an attempt to avoid Bella a car they'd never seen before pulls into the space next to her. It was a small black beetle, newer than most of the other cars in the lot. every head turned towards the occupant as a beautiful small white-haired girl emerged. Edward couldn't take his eyes off her not even when Alice let out a gasp from beside him.

Ellies Outfit:

Ellies Outfit:

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The psychic's eyes had glazed over as she was hit with an onslaught of visions, every time she had tried to see Edward mate she was met with indistinguishable images but now she had seen her for the first time it was like they were filling themsel...

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The psychic's eyes had glazed over as she was hit with an onslaught of visions, every time she had tried to see Edward mate she was met with indistinguishable images but now she had seen her for the first time it was like they were filling themselves in, colouring in what had been missing. It was giving the pixie like vampire the closest thing to a headache she had experienced in years.

"Alice, what can you see?" Jasper question his wife worriedly.

"It's her." Edward stated breathlessly watching as the girl made her way towards the office smiling an adorable smile to everyone she passed. Just as she passed where they were parked her eyes met Edwards for a second before she blushed and looked down leaving Edward to smirk at her reaction. He still hadn't removed his eyes from her figure when he felt something grab onto his arm, finally tearing his eyes away from his mate he looks down to see Bella gripping his arm and looking up at him with a simpering look on her face. Every forced feeling he had for the girl had disappeared and he was left with nothing but irritation, there were always things about Bella that irritated him, (her obsessiveness, her jealousy, her desperate need to be a vampire like she didn't understand what it truly meant.) but he always tried to find redeeming qualities, now he had laid eyes on his true mate there was nothing that could redeem Bella.

"Edward, I missed you." Bella whines trying to reclaim his attention. Rosalie lets out a delicate snort as Edward hears her thinking about how excited she was to see Bella finally put in her place, followed by her pouting thoughts as Emmett leads her away to give Edward some privacy. But Edward knew what a delicate situation this was going to be, Bella knew their secret and needed to be dealt with carefully so she would not get in his way.

He said nothing and just walked to his first class with Bella rushing to catch up confused at his silence written across her features, suddenly he regretted allowing Bella to change their schedules to match. As the Cullens and Bella were making their way to class Ellie was having a lovely chat with the school receptionist, she had been given her schedule and had been complimented on her advanced placements, even having been enrolled for their elite engineering class, which she had first. She smiled and thanked the receptionist before heading out to find her classroom, upon leaving the room she immediately bumped into a hard figure dropping her papers.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Ellie babbled picking up her papers when she straightened up her eyes met the gold orbs of a beautiful blonde with a slightly shocked look on her face. As Rosalie took in a deep breath trying to commit the new girls scent to memory, it was like a miracle for the first time since she was changed she had no thirst every other scent was lost and all she could focus on was the smell of her mothers perfume, baby powder and honey. A relaxed smile few had ever seen graced Rosalies face making her look even more breath-taking.

"That's quite alright, you're new right? Did you need any help?" She questioned not wanting the petite girl to leave so soon.

"Oh that would be great," Ellie replied with a grin, "I'm looking for Engineering it's in building 4."

"That's my first class too, follow me." The two began to walk together quickly falling into a relaxed conversation. Both sticking to their carefully constructed stories, Rosalie speaking of her 'adopted' family and Ellie talking about her large 'family' in New York. As they reached the classroom Rosalie watched Ellie speak to the teacher, frowning as she saw every boys' eyes follow her new friend/sister their lust filled thoughts clear on their faces. Unfortunately, Ellie and Rosalie were the only girls in this class and the boys were already thinking how they could show off to the new girl by proving their superiority and assuming she would need all the help she could get. Ellie upon examining the class quickly takes the empty seat next to Rosalie.

A/N I hate how specialised science classes are so male dominated and any girl is immediately underestimated, if you are a woman in science I absolutely salute you, one of my biggest regrets in life is being intimidated into not pursuing the field.

The class was immediately given a partner project and every head snapped to the new girl but before anyone could move Rosalie put her hand on Ellies arm and threw a look that just screamed don't mess with me to the approaching boys.

"Want to work together?" Rose questioned with a polite smile. Ellie beamed back nodding her head with a giggle.

"That'd be great thanks, shall we start planning now then you could totally come to mine after school so we can do some more." Ellie planned.

"That sounds great but how about you come to mine, I'd love for you to meet my family and boyfriend." Rose says with a smirk, time to get rid of Bella for good she thought to herself.

They spent the rest of the period working on their plans and getting to know each other before the bell rang. Collecting their stuff Rose turned to Ellie.

"Want me to walk you to your next class?" She questioned.

"I'm so glad I met you." Ellie replied with a cheeky grin as Rose laughs. The two walk through the halls gaining many disbelieving looks that the two ignore, one such look coming from Bella Swan who couldn't believe one of her Cullens was speaking to someone else and Rose of all people she hated Bella how could she like some new girl. The two girls soon reached Ellies next class.

"Thank you so much Rose, I don't know what I'd've done without you." Ellie says with a smile, one Rosalie had noticed seemed to never leave her pretty face.

"It was my genuine pleasure Elle." Ellie grins at the new nick name and turns to go into the classroom. As Rose begins to walk down the hall she yells over her shoulder. "By the way you're my friend now, your joining my family for lunch." Ellie just laughs and shakes her head at her new friend as onlookers are shocked at the bitchiest Cullen being downright nice.

A/N I'm not great with dialogue it always feels a bit clunky I'm trying so please let me know what you think should there be more talking or is the way I'm writing ok? does it make sense? Please let me know what you think.

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