Chapter 5

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She'd done it, she'd made it to the end of the school day, it was everything she could have hoped for. She made her way out to the car park ready to meet Rosalie. She spotted her over by a silver Volvo surrounded by other beautiful people, she's slightly disappointed to see Edward wasn't with them, he seemed nice and she wanted to get to know him better. Ellie made her way over to the family of vampires who relaxed the closer she got, her scent was like nothing before even Jasper was able to take a deep breath without fear for the first time in years. Alice was almost vibrating with excitement, they'd finally found her and she was so adorable Alice just wanted to squeeze her. Rosalie smirked knowing she'd already staked her claim as the favourite sister.

"Hi Rose," Ellie said with a little wave while jogging over to them, "I'm so sorry I didn't meet you for lunch, I found the library and well books." She apologised with a smile making her dimples show.

"Don't worry about it, just don't make a habit. This is my family by the way." She said waving her hand over the rest of the Cullens. Ellie gave them a shy smile and wave before Alice practically leapt on her.

"Oh my god, I'm Alice, this is my boyfriend Jasper and Rosalies boyfriend Emmett, it's so nice to meet you, I can't believe Rose made a friend, I love your clothes, you're just too cute, we have to go shopping sometime, you, me and Rose..." She gushed without taking a breath before being interrupted.

"Darlin' breathe." Jasper says curling his arm around her waist and pulling her back slightly, leaving Alice to pout while everyone chuckles at her enthusiasm. "Pleasure to meet you ma'am, Jasper Hale, Rosalies twin" he says extending his arm for a handshake much to the surprise of his siblings. Ellie delicately accepts it with a smile. Emmett jumps forward not wanting to be left out and picks Ellie up in a bear hug that leaves her feet dangling off the ground, both laugh while Rosalie hits Emmett on the back of the head forcing him to let go.

"Alright let's get this show on the road." Emmett says clapping his hands together. Ellie frowns slightly.

"Are we not waiting for your other brother." She questions slightly sad.

"No, he's going with his girlfriend; he's finally breaking up with her, thank god." Rosalie says with a grin. Ellie laughs a bit at her relief as the two start to walk over to her car.

"What, you don't like her?" She questions while rummaging around for her keys.

"That's an understatement." Rose smirks. "Mind if I drive, it's just our house can be difficult to find." She asks politely.

"Oh not at all, I don't know Forks very well yet anyway." Ellie replies with a smile handing her keys over and getting into the passenger side. She looks over and sees the orange truck she parked next to that morning and her eyes lock with the golden ones of Edward Cullen, the two smile at each other as Edwards eyes virtually glow with love and happiness at having found his mate although they had not yet had a full conversation. Ellie raises her hand in a wave before she catches the eye of Bella, who shoots her the dirtiest look possible and quickly pulls the truck out of the spot. Rosalie sees this exchange and is yelling at Edward in her head, he can't let Bella scare off their new family member.

The two drive to the Cullen house enjoying sharing stories of their lives and interests, getting to know each other. Both with different reasons; Rosalie excited at the opportunity to have a new sister and Ellie thrilled to have her first real friend her own age(ish).

Rosalie pulled up to the house and the two girls exited the vehicle. Ellies eyes widened taking in the beautiful house in front of her, it was so light and open but much homier than the tower ever felt. Rosalie chucked at her reaction and started up the stairs.

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