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I am sitting in my room watching Netflix. When I here mom phone ring I her stuff like adopted a 4 brothers. All these different ting are going through my head

Mom: Hey Alexis can you come down here please

Alexis: Yes?

Mom: I am sorry but i have to put you up for adoption

Alexis: Mom No please

Mom: but these really nice people are going to adopted you

Alexis: Fine *I run upstairs and grab my phone and my shoe and all of my other important stuff*

Mom: I will get the other stuff later

Alexis: Ok

We get there and I am basically in tear and my mom she points to me to sit down and I do and she leaves to go get the other stuff

Mrs. Melton: Hey hon I am Mrs. Melton and the 4 brother that are going to adopt you are on there way right now

Alexis: Thank you

Mrs. Melton: Ok

Darius: Hey Mrs. Melton I am here to adopt Alexis Moon

Alexis:OMG that is me

Mrs. Melton: she is right over there her mom isn't her with all of her stuff so it will be a little wait

Darius: Ok *Walks over to me* Hey Alexis I am Darius Dobre and these are my brother Cyrus, Lucas and Marcus and we are here to adopt you

Alexis: H-hey *I said as the room started to spin and I just passed out on the floor*

This is my first book so please like -Owls 🦉

Adopted by the Dobre BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now