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Setting: Store

Alexis: What are going to get at the store?

Marcus: Some stuff for our YouTube video

Alexis: What are we doing for the YouTube video

Marcus: Gymnastic

Alexis: But I am not good at doing Gymnastic

Marcus: We will help you ok

Alexis: *sees someone* OMG Bryan!

Bryan: Hey Alexis *hugs her* What are you doing with the Dobre Brothers

Alexis: They adopted me

Bryan: Ok see you later

Alexis: Goodbye!

Marcus: Hey Alexis was that your boyfriend

Alexis: No!!

Marcus: I know that you are lying

Alexis: Fine I like that is all

Marcus: Ok do you want anything to snack on?

Alexis: Yeah can I have a bag of Takis

Marcus: Sure!

After we left the supermarket we went back "home"

Lucas: What took you so long we were about to start recording without you

Marcus: We ran into someone *looks at Alexis*

Alexis: *gives a don't tell look*

Lucas: Who did you run into?

Alexis: No one

Cyrus: Ok come on let's record the video

After the do the video I am still trying to learn to do a backflip!

Cyrus: Come on you can do *shows her how to do it*

Alexia: *Does it and land* Yay I did!!

Lucas and Marcus hug her first than Cyrus and Darius!

Adopted by the Dobre BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now