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It is finally morning! Lucas and Marcus are in the living room getting ready for there YouTube channel! I walk down stair. Mom and Dad are already up and getting the kitchen clean. Cyrus and Darius are up riding get some food!

Marcus: Hey sleepy

Alexis: *waves and rubs eye* What time is it?

Mom (Aurelia): it is 11 honey

Alexis: What are you doing for your YouTube video *yawns*

Dad (There dad): They are first going to updated it to the LAM that is your guys initials

Alexis: Why are you guys changing it?

Lucas: Because owl you are part of out family

Alexis: Ok! Can i make my own YouTube channel?

Lucas and Marcus looked at mom and dad and they nodded and I got excited!

Dad: Sure Owl!

Alexis: Thanks dad but can I still be in your Channel!

Lucas: Of Course

Alexis: Thanks

I walked into the kitchen made me some cereal and went and watched t.v. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen feeding Baby (There goat)

Alexis: Hey mom can I have a friend over today

Mom: Sure baby Who though?

Alexis: Shyann

Mom: Of course

Alexis: Thanks mom

I went and called Shyann but she didn't answer the first time so I texted her *There's text messages*

Alexis: Hey Shyann

5 minutes later

Shyann: Hey bestie what's up

Alexia: The sky 😂😂

Shyann: whatever

Alexis: Anyway I asked my mom if you can come over and she said yes

Shyann: Amazing! I will be over in 30

Alexis: Ok bye!

Shyann: Bye

Back in real world

I looked at my brother who is standing above me looking at my text

Alexis: Hey Cy

Cyrus: Hey lex what are you doing?

Alexis: well I am eating and getting ready for my friend to come over

Marcus: *From the other room* Which friend

Alexis: *shouts back* Shyann

Marcus: Ok

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