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I wake up the next morning. And it is 9:00 and I get up and get dress than I go downstairs. I walk in the kitchen to see Ivanita sitting downstairs alone so I sit with her.

Alexis: Hey Ivanita you Ok?

Ivanita: I am ok

Alexis: Good you look sad

Ivanita: I just Lucas pranked me yesturday with the break up prank

Alexis: Oh I see *thinks for a minute* Why can't we prank them on my Channel.

Ivanita: Yes! Ok what prank are we doing?

Alexis: How about we do the slime prank

Ivanita: Come on i will take you to the store *grabs keys*

Alexis: Ok *grabs camera and walks out the door with Ivanita*

After we went to the store and got everything it is 10 and my brothers are asleep still. We made the slime and we went up stairs.

Alexis: *Looks at the camera* Ok guys they are going to be so mad at me

Ivanita: Maybe and me too

Alexis: At least we made the slime where you can easily get it off your stuff

Ivanita: Yeah

Alexis: Who are we doing first

Ivanita: How about Lucas, Marcus and than Cyrus and Darius

Alexis: Ok

We walked upstairs! We hear music so we both start to panicked

Alexis: What do we do?

Ivanita: go in there and see

Alexis: Ok *I walk into Lucas and Marcus room and see them asleep and I walk back out* They are still asleep

We walked in their a pour some slime on them. The woke up so we had to run. We made it out the door before Marcus yelled something

Marcus: I will tell everyone!

Alexis: *i look back* Don't!

Marcus: Why not

Alexis: Because I don't want to tell them yet

Marcus: Fine but you better tell them soon

Lucas: What are you two arguing about?

Marcus: *opens his mouth to say something but doesn't*

Alexis: We are sorry anyway the slime can easily come off

Ivanita: Yeah don't be over dramatic ok


We do the same to Cyrus and Dari and they get mad but not to mad

Chapter 8 comes out later today or tomorrow

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