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Once we got "home" I really can't call it home right now i am just not feeling it yet but when we got there dinner was already made for us and we just had to eat it. Mom had been making dinner since we left to make out YouTube video! We had that day was a bowl of rice and some spicy chicken and other different types of chicken.

Alexis:  Hey Marcus can we race please?

Marcus: Sure! *Runs to where Alexis is* Where do we stop at?

Alexis: Do you see where Dari is?

Marcus: Yeah Why?

Alexis: Hey Dari?! Can you move back some please?

Darius: Ok! *Runs back some* Is thus good!

Alexis: Yeah

Lucas: I wonder what they are doing

Darius: Me to

Cyrus: Me three

Alexis: On the count of three......1......2........3 GO!!

She and Marcus raced and Marcus won but they kept racing

The next day

Everyone is still asleep except for 1 me... I couldn't fall asleep. I played on my phone for awhile and at 3 in the morning my best friend called..... Shyann. I haven't heard for her in weeks so I answered the phone call.

On the Call

Alexis: Hey Shyann!

Shyann: Hey Alexis I haven't seen you around school in a while where are you?

Alexis: *sighs* I got adopted by different people

Shyann: Oh my...... Are you ok? When will I see you again? And who adopted you?

Alexis: *laughs* Yeah I am ok. I don't know hopefully soon. And the Dobre Brothers adopted me so i am now Alexis dobre.

Shyann: Really! Well I hope you have an amazing time I will call you in the morning Ok?

Alexis: Ok I love u shyann! *She is my best friend and I always say I love you to My bff*

Shyann: I love you too bye

Alexis: Bye *hangs up*

I look up from my phone and see Lucas looking down at me. I jumped and looked back at him

Lucas: Why are you up shouldn't you be a sleep?

Alexis: Well...... I couldn't go to sleep!

Darius: Why is that?

Alexis: Because I am not used to living here yet! OK!

Marcus: Who is that you where on Call with *gives her a look*

Alexis: I was on the phone with my best friend Shyann *shows them her call list*

Cryus: Want to go down stairs and make something to eat!

Alexis: Sure! *Walks down stairs with the others*

Cyrus: What do you want to eat?

Alexis: Can we make some homemade pizza and some French fries please

Cyrus: Sure come on

After they where done cooking and eating it is now 3:50

Alexis: Thanks guys I think I am going to bed now goodnight

Cyrus: Good Night Owl

Alexis: *Walks up the stairs and waves*

When I got up stairs I went straight to bed it was like there stuff was making me tried so I laid down and went to need.

Adopted by the Dobre BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now