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Me and Lucas walking into the police thingy

Lucas: See once we turn this in you don't have to say out goodbye

Alexis: I know but I don't want Shyann to get hurt

Lucas: She won't I promise

I side hugs him and walks in and I explain everything to them and gave them every thing my mom has said to me since I left and I also told then they have my friend captured

Capitan Lance: Hey kiddo we will do everything in our power to get your friend back

Alexis: I know

Lucas: Come on Lex let's get home before the others start to worry about us

Alexis: Ok *walks out of the police building*

We got home and I see SHYANN so beat up

Alexis: Shy Shy *I run and hug her*

Lucas: I'll leave you too alone *walks down stairs*

Shyann: I am ok Alexis but your closest friends might not be

Alexis: Who is my closest friend

Shyann: They are twin and they look after you the most

Alexis:*Thinks and they gets up and run down stairs* LUCAS! MARCUS!

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