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Alexis: *crying* 

Cyrus: It will be Ok!

Alexis: How do you know that?

Darius: Because we know them! 

Mom: So how are we going to get them back

Dad: I have an Idea! 

We huddle together and Dad told us the plan 

Alexis: What if it doesn't work 

Cyrus: It will work 

Alexis: OK 

We go to where Maci is

Maci: Look who finally showed up 

Alexis: Let my brothers go!

Maci: You got to come home 

Alexis: *looks at her brothers and sighs* Fine!

Maci: Let's go! 

Alexis: Let my brothers go and please let me talk to them!

Maci: Fine *she unties them* 

Alexis: *runs to them* 

Lucas: Why did you do that?

Alexis: Because I didn't want to see you guys get hurt 

Marcus: What about you! You are going home with that monster 

Alexis: I know I am but it is for the best 

Marcus: What do you mean it is for the best 

Alexis: If I go home now else that I care about will get hurt 

Lucas: I don't care about us. I care about you! 

Alexis: I love you guys so much! 

Police comes barging in and they arrest Maci 

Cyrus: You guys OK! 

Lucas: Yep let's get home!!

A/N: Sorry guys that I haven't been posting a lot I have been very very busy 

Love you guys so much

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