Age 6

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"TOU-SAN! We have to hurry!" Tenten cried struggling to pull her shirt on.

Takeshi chuckled and helped her pull the shirt down, it was similar to what the Uchihas wore with the long sleeves and high collars but it was pure white with a large red and black yin and yang symbol on the back. Proudly showing what clan she was from.

"We're late, Neji's probably wondering where I am," Tenten whined as he fixed her hair which was pulled up into a tight single bun with two senbons going through it.

"Hai, hai," Takeshi said watching her pull on her black sandals

"Tenten-chan," He said grabbing her attention

"It's your first day, I want you to make lots of friends but also be careful of those who aren't so friendly," He said slowly

"Arent so friendly?" She repeated as he crouched down to her height

"There are some people who don't agree with our clan and how we do things, so they might do or say mean things. Don't let those kinds of people make you upset okay?" He said smiling a little at her as she nodded.

"Alright, let's go," He lead her out the house as she skipped happily towards the entrance, waving at anyone who passed by.

Once they made it out into the village he took her hand and lead her towards the academy with her by his side.

A few glares and looks were sent towards them but Takeshi brushed them off like they were nothing and Tenten didn't even notice the looks as they walked.

Once they got to the school her eyes instantly locked onto a Hyuga pair who stood off to the side waiting.

"Neji!" Tenten cheered as they walked up to them

Neji in return gave her a small, barely noticeable smile and allowed her to pull him closer to the school.

"How are you feeling?" Hizashi said looking at Takeshi

It was always a stressful time when his clan would send some of their own to the academy because kids were harsh, they listen to the wrong that their parents teach them and then they act on it.

"I'm worried," Takeshi said watching Tenten talk to Neji

"Of her? I'm sure no one will mess with her by Neji's side," Hizashi said reasuringly which made Takeshi chuckle

"Heh, not for her, but for the poor soul who decides to mess with her. It seems Tenten has inherited Kokoros temper and brute strength," Takeshi said with a light chuckle

Hizashis face broke out into a small grin

"Hm, I hope Neji can deal with her then," he said watching Takeshi smirk as the teachers came outside to get the kids and lead them into their classrooms


It wasn't a large class, only about 23 students, 10 girls, and 13 boys.

Tenten sat down beside Neji who had sat on the bench closer to the large window.

A boy with long black hair and large eyes came and stood in front of them.

"Is it okay if I sit beside you?" He asked politely making Tenten slowly nod with a smile as she scooted over some for him to sit.

"I'm Rock Lee," He said grinning at them

"I'm Tenten and this is Neji, he doesn't talk a lot," Tenten said adding in the last part so Lee didn't feel offended if Neji didnt speak to him.

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