Age 7

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Tenten looked towards Neji who stared quietly out of the window in the classroom.

His father had died a few months ago and no matter what she did he wouldn't give her the same happy looks like he used to.

"Ne, Neji should we go find Lee?" Tenten said looking around since Lee wasn't sitting beside her like normal.

"Hn, he's probably on the way," Neji said not looking at her which made her frown.

"I'm going to look for him," Tenten said shortly while standing and heading out the room

Neji watched her leave before letting out a sigh and getting up to follow her.

Tenten frowned seeing Lee on the frown with two older chunin boys standing in front of him.

"Ha! Do you think you're going to be a ninja? You don't even have any chakra! What a loser, you should just drop out now while your ahead," The taller one of the two said with a laugh.

Tenten stumped up to the two boys and pushed him back slightly.

"Leave him alone!"

The boys glared at her and laughed.

"And what are you going to do about it little Koroshiya brat? Why don't you mind your business and go back to your demon family," The short one who had been quiet hissed at her with a smirk as he went to push her to the ground.

"I wouldn't touch her if I was you," Neji spoke glaring at the boys

"Eh, and who are you? Just some little Hyuga, do you even have your byakugan yet?"

The taller boy took out a kunai and swung at Neji with it.

"DONT TOUCH HIM, CHA!" Tenten yelled slamming her fist into the boy's stomach

His eyes went wide and he coughed a little trying to get air back into his lungs as he was sent flying back a few feet.

The short one hurried to his friend and helped the boy off the ground while he was still struggling to breathe.

"We won't forget this you little demon!" the boy yelled and jumping away with his friend.

"Lee are you okay?" Tenten asked bending down in front of her friend who was silently crying.

"Tenten-chan, Neji-kun, thank you so much for helping me!" he cried making Neji huff quietly and turn his face away while Tenten gave him a hug.

"Ne, why don't you come over for dinner tonight with my family? Neji's already coming so it'll be fun," Tenten said excitedly

"Of course!" Lee said getting his happy vibes back

"Hn lets go before we're late," Neji said starting to walk back to their classroom


"And then I punched him like oba-chan showed me and he went flying back!" Tenten said excitedly while standing in her chair and yelling 'Cha' along with her aunt Moe.

"Tenten sit down before you fall," Neji muttered pulling her back down in her seat.

"Hm, so you don't have any chakra boy?" Tenten's grandfather said looking at Lee who shook his head.

"No, so I'm going to be the best taijutsu user Konoha has ever seen!"

"Yeah, we're going to be the best taijutsu team in Konoha!" Tenten said making her father raise an eyebrow

"Really?" He asked laughing quietly at Neji's unbothered face as he continued to eat his food and pull Tenten back into her seat every once in a while.

"Hai, hai, were even going to be better than Masaru, Kouta, and Taro!"

That earned scoffs and looks from her older cousins that had been mentioned.


"Lee pay attention," Neji muttered and giving Lee a look of annoyance

"But Tenten-chan isn't paying attention either," Lee said pointing to Tenten who was falling asleep.

Neji's eye twitched a little and he glared at the girl on his other side.


She lazily opened one eye to look at him


"Pay attention!" He ordered earning an eye roll

"We already know all this stuff Neji,"

Neji pressed his lips firmly together and gave her another look making her groan and open her eyes to listen to what their teacher was saying.

"So boring," Tenten murmured putting her head into her hands with a sigh

"Koroshiya Tenten! Stop complaining and listen, or you'll be doing the transformation Jutsu in front of everyone," Sora her teacher yelled with a glare

Tenten rolled her eyes at the multiple snickers that she heard and glared at her sensei.

"Told you," Neji muttered


"Ojii-san, teach me a new jutsu!" Tenten ordered crossing her arms

Her grandfather raised an eyebrow and scoffed

"Why should I teach you anything brat,"

Tenten glared at him

"Look old man, Neji already has his byakugan which means he's already stronger than me. I can't let him move up without me," Tenten frowned

"Hmph, fine ill teach you a jutsu," he said making her grin and follow him to the lake by their house.

"You're going to teach me a super cool water jutsu?!" Tenten said excitedly making her grandfather scoff

"Yeah right brat, your nature is probably fire like the rest of us," He said pulling out a piece of paper for her to see.

Tenten held onto the paper and focused her chakra like he said and sure enough, her paper turned to ashes.

"Alright, this is just a basic fire jutsu," Her grandfather said showing her the hand signs for a fireball.

"Woah," Tenten gasped watching her grandfather make a large ball of fire overtop of the water.

"Thats so cool,"

"Yeah, yeah, now practice it until you get it right," He said walking back into the house leaving her to do the jutsu.

Tenten let out a huff but copied the hand signs he had shown her and blew only for nothing to happen.

Her cheeks burned red with embarrassment and she tried to do it again.



"How's she doing?" Takeshi asked his father who was watching Tenten from the door of the house.

"She's almost got it, just a few more tries and she should be able to get one out," Hiroshi chuckled

She had been working on the Jutsu ever since he left her out there and had even begged her cousins to help her with it when they passed by.

"Hm, it'll be good for her to have some ninjutsu to fall back on in case she can't use her weapons or taijutsu," Takeshi said making his father nod.

"With Neji's byakugan she's afraid he'll leave her behind,"

Takeshi hummed

"She'll want to train even more now then," He said watching Tenten create a small stream of fire. It was little but it was there and it was enough to make her start to jump around in happiness.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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