First Meeting

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"Otou-san, where are we going?" a small girl with dark chocolate brown hair and eyes to match said to the man she walked alongside with.

He let out a deep chuckle and looked down at the girl.

"I'm taking you to meet your partner for the first time," He said leading her towards the compound that wasn't too far from theirs.

"My partner?" She questioned

"Remember, I told you everyone gets a partner that they'll work with until death," He stated making her look up at him.

"But what if I don't like them," she countered giving him a small glare

"You will," He said not giving her any chance to argue back as they walked into the compound.

She looked around with slightly widened eyes at all the men and women that sort of looked like each other.

"Otou-san, why do they have weird eyes?" She whispered looking towards a group of children who were playing ninja amongst themselves

"Hm, thats their Kekkei Genkai, the Byakugan," her father said walking towards where the main house was.

"Byakugan," She murmured to herself remembering her mother talking about it a few times.

She could also remember seeing a few of them walking around her compound or talking to her parents but she had never gotten a good look at them like this.

"Come on Tenten-chan," Her father said cathing her attention from the kids

"Sorry," she muttered softly and instantly moved to his side so that they could enter the room.

She tilted her head slightly seeing the two older men who looked exactly like each other and a young boy.

"Takeshi! It's been a while," The man one who sat by the young boy said with a light smile on his face.

"Ah, it has Hizashi, Hiashi," Takeshi said greeting both men with a nod

"This is your child?" Hiashi said looking at Tenten who stood by her father.

Takeshi nodded and lightly pushed Tenten forward.

"Tenten-chan, this is my partner Hizashi and his brother Hiashi," Takeshi said to her

"Hello," she said slowly looking over each person

"How old are you?" Hizashi said with a slightly hopeful look in his eyes

"5," She responded tilting her head when his face broke out into a large grin before sending his brother a smug look.

"5, that means you'll be my son's partner, better luck next time eh Hiashi?" Hizashi said with a small chuckle earning a sigh and glare from the said man.

"Neji, this is Tenten, she will be your partner from now on," Hizashi said introducing the two young children.

"Why don't you two go play and get to know each other while we discuss things," Takeshi said placing his large hand on top of his daughter's head as Neji slowly nodded and led her outside.

The two kids stood quietly looking at each other until Tenten broke the silence.

"Wanna do target practice?" She asked watching him raise an eyebrow.

"Target practice?" He with a slight frown.

They were only 5 there was no way they would be allowed to play with any kunai for that.

"Come on," she said and walked towards a large tree that stood near them.

"I would rather meditate," Neji said crossing his arms and sitting against the tree which made her frown.

"I don't want to meditate," She said plainly and crossed her own arms.

"We don't even have kunai, how are we going to do target practice," He said as if it was the most obvious thing before closing his eyes and beginning to meditate as his father had shown him.

He listened to her huff and move slightly before there was a slight whizzing noise that made him open his eyes and look up to see a few senbon lodged into the tree above his head.

"...You have senbon," he stated looking at her when she walked to him and pulled the weapon out of the tree.

"Yeah, I don't really like them much but Tou-san said I have to master these before he lets me start training with my kunai again," She said clicking her tongue lightly as stood back to throw them again.

Neither noticed the sets of eyes watching them.

"They're already bonding," Takeshi said with a quiet chuckle.

"Hm, you've already started training her Takeshi?" Hiashi said watching the girl perfectly throw the senbon over top of his nephew's head who didn't even flinch while he meditated.

"Of course! You know we start them early, and Tenten-chan is a natural. With her 100% accuracy she will become Konoha's best weapons master when she gets older," Takeshi said proudly.

"Hm, that was expected to be your daughter, she will make a good clan leader when she gets of age," Hizashi said watching her and his son slowly start to bond. 

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