•1• I love you Mike

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It was dark and cold in Hawkins, the Byers had came from Derry for Christmas, they were staying in town just for a week, not too much time, but enough to get solved some loose ends.

They used Hopper's cabin (wich the party fixed previously for the Byers to stay) as a temporal home while they were there.

Now Will found himself at Mike's basement, both sitting on the taller's couch. He wanted to confess his deepest secret to Mike tonight, he have wanted since ever but now, he was prepared, well, at least he felt like it was finally the moment.

"Mike?"Will speaks up, catching his friend's attention, nervousness running through his body.

"Yeah?"Mike answered, looking at him and frowning his brows at the way the brunette was looking at him, he looked...scared.

The smaller boy didn't know how or where to start so he decided to just speak the first thing that came to his mind.

"Do y-you lu-love me?"Will stuttered out, looking up at his best friend while biting his lip, he felt how his chest was burning, he couldn't believe he was doing this.

"Of course I do Will you're my best friend" Mike wasn't lying, he truthly loved Will, he was one of the most important people in his life, his friend since childhood, the best thing that has ever happened to him, but Will wasn't looking for that answer, not exactly.

"No, Mike that's not-that's not what I mean." Will stuttered out again, nervousness and anxiety on his words, he looked away from his friend this time.

"Then what do you mean?"Mike asked with a confused face, why was Will suddenly acting so...strange?.

"You know how it feels when someone you love so much change you for someone they just met?"Will asked looking at Mike, his eyes already glassy from the tears that were attempting to come out, he wasn't sure of what he was saying, or doing, but there was no coming back, he needed to do this now, he won't look back now, not this time.

"Well...once Eleven changed me for Max-" the dark haired boy said, just by being cut off by the brunette boy.

"No! No, thats not what I mean" Will interrupted him, sighing and closing his eyes for a second, what was he even doing?

"Then what? What's your point?" Mike said tilting his head to the right, Will was getting frustrated, he didn't know how to get this done.

"Mike I-I-I" Will stuttered once again and started to play with his fingers anxiously.

Mike was raising his eyebrows totally confused.

"Mike I l-love you" Will finally spited out, finally looking back at Mike with wide eyes, he gulped, afraid of what could happen next.

"I know Will, I love you too" Mike said, still referring as that friend love. It wasn't the first time they said I live you to each other, in fact, they did that pretty often but Mike couldn't tell the difference of the meaning of Will's words this time, not yet.

And that made Will just got a little more frustrated because his dear best friend just didn't get what he wanted him to know.

"No! You're not-you're not understanding, I love you, like in love with you! And I've always loved you and will still love you and it really hurts because I know you don't feel the same and you love Eleven and you'll still think you love her just because she was the first girl that showed interest in you and just because of that you ignore all of us and-and you're stuck in your relationship that you don't know anything about me anymore" Will said spiting out his thoughts without thinking twice, already regretting what he just said, but it was true, it was something he wanted to tell Mike for long now and finally got the guts to tell him.

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