4 -Dodgeballs

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*Mentions of self harm*

     When school ends, I start to walk out of the big school doors. The cold air brushes up against my face as I walk.

"Uh, Hey," I hear someone say. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I quickly turn around to see none other than Daniel Rider.

Why is he talking to me of all people?

"H-hi," I stutter. Part of it wants me to believe it's the cold, but I can't deny that he is handsome.

"Umm, are you okay? Earlier, I saw you running and I was just wondering-" he cuts himself off, his voice fading away.

"Y-Yeah, I'm perfectly fine," I say, forcing a small smile onto my face.

"Alright I guess."

I start to walk away, and my feet gradually move faster and faster. Pretty soon, I realize I'm running home.
I run into the house, and thankfully nobody sees me walk in. I run upstairs to my room and throw myself on my bed. I sob into my pillow and sheets.

What did I even do?

I yank out my binder and forcefully open it. I look at all the ripped out pages from my sketchbook. I remember exactly the way I drew each and every one of them. I even wrote the date and the name on the back. I flip them over one by one.

"The mystery"

"Eye see you"


"The friend that could be"

She ripped out the newest ones. There's at least five pages that were torn out. I pick up the picture of the girl.


I suddenly rip the page in half and watch at the pieces drift down to the bedsheets.

It wouldn't have been ripped if you didn't exist.
If I didn't bring my sketchbook to school.
If I didn't exist.

I fall onto my bed and cry. I feel the tears soak into my bed. I feel myself get up and open my bedside drawer. I slam my sketchbook and the ripped pages into it. I take the page I ripped and shove it to the back. I close it shut, and stand up.
I glance over to the bathroom.

Maybe I could-

My thoughts are cut off my a stinging in my arm. I curse under my breath, and realize the cuts are still raw. I was gripping onto my arm. I sit back down to realize, I only cut when I'm numb. But I'm not numb right now.

I'm filled with pain.


As I walk into school the next day, I make sure not to come early. I walk over to my locker, and see Daniel.

His locker is almost right by mine?

He's digging in his locker that's one over from mine.

I guess he's looking for something.

"Hello, again," I hear him say, not looking at me.

"Uh, hi," I say hesitantly.

I put away my stuff and head to class once I hear the first bell. I look behind me to see him following me.

"Uh, why are you following me?" I ask paranoid.

"We have the same class together.." he says.

"O-oh, right," I say.

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