23 -Graduation (Finale)

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This chapter is gonna be HECCA long...
Aka- 3,000+ words

5 months later

I look back and smile to Bella as I'm about to go up. The announcer starts to speak.

"Next up is Jamie Dain. Jamie plans on going to the University of Kentucky to become a licensed psychologist for the youth," they say as I walk up onto the stage. Our school principle, vice principal, and main teachers wait there with out diplomas. I walk up the stairs and quickly wipe my somewhat sweaty hands on my robe.
I glance to my mom and brother in the crowd to see them smiling softly from ear to ear with tears in mom's eyes.
I look back and shake the staff's hands as my principle gives me my diploma. I walk off the stage with my head held high, and off to the photographer. As he's taking my picture, I can hear the announcer say Bella's name.

"Isabella Canon plans on also going to the University of Kentucky to study nursing and then possibly going to the Indiana police training academy!" The announcer says.

I walk back to my seat just in time to see Bella confidently shaking hands with the teachers and walking down. She looks into the crowd to see Officer Jobs in a clean looking suit with his wife, Rosa. Next that came up was Savannah.

"Savannah Thomas plans on attending the University of Southern Indiana to study journalism," the announcer goes on. Bella sits down in her seat next to me.

"That's my girl," she says under her breath, looking up to Savannah on the stage.

"Hey, this means Daniel must be next!" She nudges my shoulder playfully.

"Daniel Rider plans on going to the University of Louisville to study sports and fitness management," the announcer says as he walks across the stage. I feel so happy for him. The announcer talks about more people as they sit down. When all of the students eventually take their seats, the principle spoke through a microphone.

"Alright students! You are all technically freshman in college, give yourselves a round of applause!" And just like that, the room roared with claps and whistles for us.

"Just a few things before I let you go and celebrate. If any students are wondering, yes you can go to school for the last day and not attend classes. But you must be respectful to the classes in session! The school day is only from 8:00 to 9:00 so don't be late! I'm so proud of every single one of you, especially our Valedictorian and Salutatorian, Isabella and Rebecca. You've already said your speeches so I won't say anymore for you. It seems like just yesterday these seniors were new freshman in our school. Just take a moment to look at how you all have grown," the principle says.
We all look around at each other, remembering freshman year, up to now. I look over to Ashley, who's changed quite a bit. I look at Bella, who I never even knew in freshman year. I look at Savannah, who I just recently got close with. Then I look at Daniel, the one I love. Not that I don't love Bella and Sav, but Daniel has a special place of course.

"Alright seniors, we're almost done cause I know you're all waiting so patiently so get out of here and hang out for possibly the last time as a class. But we're gonna do one last prayer, and a few announcements for the year!"


"Amen! And now students, you are officially college freshman!" Our principal announces. We all throw up our graduation caps that we painted the tops of. Daniel throws up his beautifully painted sunset cap, Savannah with her cap with flowers in a field, Bella with her cafe drink with a rainbow on the front of it, and me with the non-binary flag colors, along with a heart. Everybody cheers and claps for our class. The four of us hug each other and jump up and down. Bella even looks like she's about to cry.

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