20 -Christmas

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WOAH A CHRISTMAS CHAPTER IN MID JANUARY?? Yes, I'm sorry this took so long to come out but I ran out of ideas for a filler chapter. And just a heads up, there's prolly gonna be a lot more time skips in later chapters. Idk, anyways enjoy!

*Jamie's POV*

I sit in my usual grey room, studying for my final exams in a few days. My ipad sits on my lap as I read through our English book.

So glad all our books are online.

My notebook sits on the floor beside me. There's a knock at the door.

"Hey Jamie, do you need anything? I know you've been studying for your last high school finals, and you must be pretty stressed," My mom opens the door a bit to peek her head through.

"I'm good mom, thanks though," I respond.

"Honey, I'm worried about you! You've been up here for hours over the entire weekend," she says inviting herself into my room.

"I have to make sure I ace these finals," I say simply.

"Okay, but call or text me if you need anything," she says leaving.

"I will," I say.

Things with my mom have been going a lot better. She still works a lot, but makes sure she's home enough to spend time with Jacob and I. In fact, I think she's starting to care about us a little too much.
I'm lost in my own thoughts, until I get a text from Daniel.

Daniel bby: hey baby, are you doing anything over Christmas break? Like over the new year?

Me: umm, I'd have to ask my mom. But we don't do much. Why u ask?

Daniel bby: cause I was thinking that me, you, Bella, and Savannah could go to my family cabin. It's in the woods just a few miles away

Me: that sounds super cool! But idk if I'm free or not :(

Daniel bby: it's cool either way. I'll tell u what, if you go then I'll be sure to make it a good time ;)


Daniel bby: Ok ok fine but I'll need to know if you're free pretty soon

Me: I'll ask now

"Hey mom!" I yell from my bedroom.

"Yeah?" She opens my door.

"What are we doing for Christmas?" I ask.

"Uh, not a lot. Probably just opening gifts. Why do you ask?"

"Cause Daniel invited me, Bella, and Savannah to come to his family's cabin over the break," I explain.

"When are the dates?" She asks walking over.

"Uh, I think it's a few days after Christmas. He said it would be over New Years," I say.

"I think we're free. Besides, we don't do much for New Years anyway," she says.

I take my phone and text Daniel.

Me: I'm most likely free...at least I'm 99% sure I am...

Daniel bby: alright! I'll send over some details if you need them :)

My mom walks out and I smile as I continue studying. I glance over to the time and see it's 12:06.

Geez, time flies when you're studying I guess.

I pack up my chrome book and notebooks and prepare for the first day of finals.

I spent all day studying, I'm better ace these tests.

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