18 -Sunset

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I stand in front of my mirror to get ready for Daniel and I's date tonight.

I wonder what we're doing. He always surprises me.

I look through my closet and pick out a simple black, long sleeved dress. A kind of dress that you can actually do activities in without flashing everybody there.

I'll have to go shopping with Bella sometime for more fancy clothes.

I comb out my hair and put on a bit of blush and lip gloss.

He said to wear casual...does that mean converse?

I look at the assortment of shoes I have, and realize I don't have much. I go with some long black boots, cause I don't want to wear the same flats from the last date. I finish early and decide to text him.

Me: so r u gonna give me ANY idea as to where we're going?

Daniel: nope, you'll just have to wait my darling.


Me: darling? Since when r there nicknames?

Daniel: since rn. I'll be there in a few minutes

Me: sounds good!

I put on a leather jacket so I have some sort of pocket. I rush down the stairs.

"Hey mom, I'll be back soon!" I call, waiting on the couch.

"Where are you going this time Jamie?" She asks.

"With Daniel to someplace unknown," I say.

"Oh ok! Have fun! I'll be making dinner by the time he comes in, so I better not disrupt you two," she says washing her hands.

"Oh you're fine!" I say.

The doorbell rings.

"H-Hi Daniel!" I say opening the door.

Damnit, still stuttering.

"Hello Jamie, you look beautiful tonight," He says.

I blush and smile a bit at his comment.

"Thanks, you look very handsome yourself. Bye mom!" I yell.

"Bye Jamie! Have fun you two!" She yells back.

Daniel walks us to his car that's parked on the road.

"So you're really not gonna tell me where we're going?" I ask him.

Daniel shakes his head, placing his hand on his hip. I chuckle a bit at his childish behavior. We get in his car and Daniel starts to drive away.

"You're being kinda quiet," I say.

"Oh, sorry. I just don't wanna spoil the surprise," he says smiling.

I look out the window, watching the neighborhood houses go by.

"So how've you been?" He asks, trying to make simple conversation.

"Uh, I'm doing alright. What about you?" I ask back to be polite.

"Same as you really. We'll be at our stop in a couple minutes," He says.

"This is a little kid-nappy," I say.

"Well I can promise I'm not going to kidnap you Jamie," He says.

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