My Love For You

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Anthony asked, "How am I supposed to eat when you keep making me blush like this?"

"I don't know. That's up to you to figure out."

"Azzie! Stop it!"

Aziraphale laughed, "Stop what? Looking at you like this?"

"Exactly! It makes me feel too happy!" Anthony giggled. He threw a handful of peas at Aziraphale.

"Hey, now! Make sure you at least eat something!"

Anthony took a bite of his mashed potatoes and sighed, "Fine, be like that."

"You be like that, chuckaboo," Aziraphale said as he threw a baby carrot at him.

"Fuck you and your big words from five decades ago," Anthony growled in a humorous manner. This made Aziraphale lean back in his chair and say, "You go too fast for me, Anthony."

This made Anthony start to choke on his food. Of course Aziraphale didn't mean to make him choke, but in situations like this he had to perform a small miracle. He loosened the piece of chicken stuck in Anthony's throat, then immediately got up and started patting his back. Eventually he got the chicken down and laughed, "Sorry just choking on cock."

Aziraphale rolled his eyes and said, "I'm never serving chicken again for dinner."

"Oh Azzie, be like that. Just try me."

The two smiled at each other for the rest of the night. For weeks after it was almost like they couldn't stop smiling. Of course Azzie was keeping things up for plenty of people in the area. At this point Anthony either concluded that Azzie was rich or doing some weird stuff, because he was absolutely thriving in the post war economy.

Of course there were a few weird things about Azzie. He never seemed to sleep, odd things were always happening around him, and he just seemed to radiate joy like the sun radiates heat.

Of course Anthony was curious about this. He didn't bug Aziraphale about it though. That was until a few weeks later when he accidentally saw him last night, white wings spread and being groomed.


Aziraphale pulled his wings in as he examined the shock on Anthony's face. He said, "Anthony you weren't supposed to see that. Just forget it. You're supposed to be sleeping."

"I just wanted some water. I'm sorry."

Anthony didn't know if he should cry or ask questions. All he could speak was, "So, you're an angel?"

Aziraphale approached Anthony and hugged him as he whispered, "I am. I should have told you. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry I'm such a sinner," Anthony cried as he fell to his knees, "You probably think I'm such a dirty sinner. Do you hate me because I'm gay? Have you been acting just to try to save me?"

Aziraphale sighed, "Please stop, I honestly don't care about your sins. That's not my area of business. I'm just a principality."

"Will I end up... down there?"

"No, of course not. You're safe. Plus I'm around just radiating holiness onto you."

"Do you need help with your wings?"

Aziraphale softly nodded and handed Anthony the brush. They spent the next hour chatting while Anthony cleaned Aziraphale's wings. By the end of it Anthony was tired and went off to bed.

The next morning he woke up to having tea already made and put out for him. Aziraphale kissed Anthony's cheek and whispered, "Good morning, dear."

Anthony rubbed his eyes and said, "Good morning, angel."

Aziraphale blushed and softly said, "So you'll put it that way. I see. Well tea is ready."

"Thank you," Anthony said as he sat down. He stared at Aziraphale and asked, "So what's your actual name? Has to have like eighteen letters in it."

Aziraphale sat down in front of Anthony.

"No, it has ten. It's Aziraphale."

"That's it?"

"Yes, most people do call me Azzie though. You know that."

Anthony smiled softly and kissed Aziraphale forehead. "Yes, Aziraphale... Angel... Azzie."

"Oh stop it. You make me sound soft."

Anthony sipped his tea and said, "You are soft though."

Light laughs continued to be shared amongst the two. By the middle of the morning Anthony was cuddling with Aziraphale. Everything was so soft between the two. They loved holding each other close and devoting their full attention to each other.

"Are you immortal Aziraphale?" Anthony asked, looking straight into Aziraphale's blue eyes.

"Yes, unfortunately you aren't. I'll come visit you after you die."

Anthony held Aziraphale's hand and said, "I'm afraid to die. I mean, what if it hurts? What if you're wrong and I don't end up in Heaven? Plus, I want to live as much life as I can before I die. I want to get married to someone, move to the country side with someone, maybe even get to know someone on a more intimate level. I want that someone to be you. Would you want that? Because unlike me, you have forever to decide on those things."

"I-I... I would like to someday. Not now, it seems to be too early to make any decisions, but eventually I'd love to. Especially with you, my dear," Aziraphale responded. He smiled at Anthony, who had a concerned look on his face."

"I hope that someday we're allowed to go outside and hold hands without fearing for our lives. Azzie, I'm scared of what could happen to us."

Aziraphale kissed Anthony's forehead and sighed, "Nothing will happen to you. I promise that. Now if I have to stay in a female form for a little while, just so we can get married, I can. Nothing I haven't done before."

Anthony asked, "Would you really be willing to do that?"

"Only for you dear," Aziraphale whispered, "But then I'll change back and be the husband you love."

"Then that shall be if we are never allowed to wed," Anthony said, "Or legally allowed to kiss in private. We're really pulling some things off here. Aren't you ever scared?"

Aziraphale laughed, "Heavens no, I'm an angel. I preform miracles."

Many years later in the summer of 1967 a miracle did in fact happen. It finally became legal for two men to do whatever they please in private. To celebrate that Aziraphale and Anthony kissed every hour, on the hour for an entire week after. They then moved to the absolute middle of nowhere together. This was the beginning of their new life.

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