Safe Place

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Aziraphale looked down at his lover, who rested softly on the hospital bed. Anthony was growing too old and too sick to survive. It was only days ago he slipped into a coma, of which he'd never awake from. It was Aziraphale who had been keeping him alive all these years.

They met in long ago at a bar. Aziraphale was slightly tipsy, and Anthony was just getting into the bar, planning on absolutely waisting himself. The angel could feel the pain the ginger man across the bar was feeling. He didn't want to say anything, but as an angel he had to. It was only right after all.

"I don't mean to bother you, but you're obviously upset. Rant to me if you want."

Aziraphale's eyes met the ginger's hazel, seemingly gold ones.

"You wouldn't understand. Nobody will."

"Try me, I've been around the world once or twice."

"Hilarious, probably haven't been through this, but what do I know. We're strangers."

Aziraphale smiled softly and asked, "What's your name?"

"It's Crowley. Anthony Crowley."

"Okay, Anthony," Aziraphale sighed, "I'm Azzie Fell. We're not strangers now."

Anthony sipped his second shot and said, "Fine, you want to hear me talk, I'll talk. I just got disowned by my family, okay?"

"Oh," Aziraphale sighed, "Why so?"

Anthony leaned in and whispered, "Because I'm gay- you know. A homosexual. I mean I've never been with a man, but you know I just kind of know. Sometimes I wish there was someone out there that would accept me. Even more I want a husband. But if I had the choice in this I'd be straight."

Aziraphale asked, "How old are you Anthony?"

He looked down and said, "Don't tell anyone here but I'm only nineteen. They think I'm twenty two."

"Okay, Anthony, I'll offer you a place to stay while you get on your feet. I've got a flat with an extra room."

Anthony said, "Thank you, but do you really want a homos-?"

"Quiet now Anthony," Aziraphale softly said, "I'll explain when we're out of here. For now drink your money's worth."

Later that night Aziraphale and Anthony walked out of the bar, going separate ways but eventually meeting back up at Aziraphale's flat. Something about it made Anthony nervous, but he didn't want to deny the sort-of-stranger's hospitality. When he got in Aziraphale was reading on the couch. Everything in the flat was fairly clean and fancy.


A small smile arose to Aziraphale's face as Anthony stepped inside. "Hello there, just make yourself comfortable. We'll talk."

Anthony hung up his jacket and nervously sat down in front of Aziraphale. He was expecting the worst. A whole speech like what he had just heard from his parents.

Aziraphale said, "Anthony, I know this may be hard to believe, but I'm gay too."

A look of shock was plastered on Anthony's face. He couldn't believe it. Someone like him.

"Quit staring at me like that, please."

Anthony regathered himself and said, "I'm sorry. Just a little shocked."

"That's okay," Aziraphale laughed softly, "I think you have every right to be."

Anthony nervously asked, "When did you know?"

Aziraphale responded, "I've always kind of known. Just the little habits I've caught myself in. The feeling I get for men that I don't get for anyone else."

"What if it's just a phase though?"

"Your heart will lead you in the right direction. Don't worry, if you know who you are down deep, you can always trust yourself."

Anthony smiled softly and said, "Thank you. I've just been having a really hard time lately. I was supposed to continue fighting in the war, but they started to believe I'm gay, but had nothing to prove it with so they just let me go. They were right. Now of course I had to tell my parents, and you know how that went. I guess now I'm here. Thank you."

Aziraphale said, "You can stay here as long as you need to. I'll make sure you get by. Just don't let anyone know about the way both of us feel."

Anthony had only planned on staying a few weeks, but before he knew it those weeks turned into months. There was something he enjoyed about Aziraphale. He couldn't pinpoint what it was. He stayed longer than he needed to, just to try to figure out what.

By the time he had figured out what, the months had turned into years. The two were so comfortable in each other's presence. At that point Anthony wasn't just a guest, he lived there. It was his home. The war was ending, times were looking up. It caused a swell of hope in everyone's chests.

Anthony was scared it was too much hope. He only realized this fear when one afternoon he asked, "Azzie, what's it like to kiss a man?"

Aziraphale responded, "It feels sweet, relaxing, right. Why, you finally found someone and you're nervous about it?"

"I think so," Anthony said, "I don't know if he'd like it though. He may think it's weird. He's definitely gay, but there's just this one thing."

Anthony approached Aziraphale and said, "I've been living with him for the past few years."

Aziraphale smiled softly and said, "Well, I suppose he'd be open to trying it."

Anthony blushed as he asked, "Really, you'd like to?"

The only response he got was a simple kiss.

"Whoa- that did feel right. Can I try again just to be sure?"

Aziraphale said, "Of course you can, Anthony."

Another soft kiss was shared between the two.

"Is that all you want right now, Anthony?"

A bright red blush covered Anthony's cheeks. "Y-yes thank you."

Aziraphale continued to smile as Anthony ran off blushing.

At dinner that night Anthony could hardly look at Aziraphale without blushing or smiling like a fool.

"Is something wrong Anthony? You're all red and you don't seem to be eating much."

Anthony muttered, "I'm fine," and blushed more. Because of this Aziraphale got up and said, "Take your hands off your face and look at me."

"Okay," Anthony whispered and did just so. Aziraphale smiled and kissed him quickly.

"Azzie! Third one today! You're going to kill me like this!"

Aziraphale sat back down and threw a biscuit at Anthony. "It's better to go down like that then starve to death. Eat, Anthony, before your food gets cold."

Are You Dead Yet? -Ineffable Husbands- (Human! Crowley)Where stories live. Discover now