The Move

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"I'm here" I yelled as I ran up the dirt driveway. My dad was outside setting up the camera.

"You got ten minutes" my dad said pointing to his wrist. I ran up the stairs and into the house, dropping my cheer bag at the door.

"Move" I said pushing past Mike and Henry as they came down the stairs.

I walked into my room to find the hand me down sweater Nora wore a few years ago on my bed. Not looking to pick a fight about this one I quickly changed before removing my cheer makeup.

"Maggie" the twins said barging into my room unannounced. They seemed all frantic.

"I'm just about ready. Tell dad I'll be down" I said flicking on fresh mascara.

"Mom and dad are planning to move" they said in unison. This wasn't the kind of news I was expecting to hear.

"Wait how do you know?" I asked unsure if they were lying.

"Dad turned on the washing machines so we sent Mike down the chute. Dad's going to become the coach of the Stallions" the two explained.

I suddenly became mad. The washer being turned on meant that 9/10 times it was something our parents didn't want us to hear. Midland is home, how could they possibly think uplifting 12 children would be a smart move. My heart in that moment broke. We all loved Midland, it was our home.

"C'mon kids photo time" my dad yelled. I pushed the two out of my room and down the stairs. We all headed outside and sat on the steps of the porch from oldest to youngest like always leaving a space for Nora to be photoshopped in.

"Okay on the count of three" my dad yelled as he propped himself behind the camera. Not only was I miserable wearing a sweater in the month of May I was now mad that they were moving us.

"We're moving" I whispered to Charlie. His face looked shocked and mad at the same time.

"Moving? Who told you" he whispered back.

"Jess and Kim. The washer was on"

"We're moving?" Charlie asked Sarah who was seated in front of him. She shook her head yes, confirming it.

"Moving who's moving?" The younger twins asked as they heard us all talking.

Almost instantly everyone began to bicker at the news just before my dad snapped the photo.

"What's with all the arguing?" My mom asked confused.

"When were you planning on telling us we were moving?" I asked. My mom and dad exchanged a look before ushering us all in inside the house, into the living room.

"I'm not moving" I protested as I sat down.

"I'm not moving either" Charlie said.

"Beth can come visit" my mom said trying to reason with him. "And you can sneak out at the new house. Plus they have a cheer team. You're not sacrificing that much"

I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Moving isn't just about the cheer team, I have friends mom" 

"It's not about Beth, all my friends are here as well" Charlie said backing up my argument.

"Yeah all of my friends" Sarah commented.

Just then the phone rang. "Hello?" My mom said.

"Hi mom it's Nora"

"Hi Nora you're on speaker"

"Hi everybody. Oh and Hank says hi"

"You can keep in touch with your old ones and make new ones. C'mon it sounds nice" my mom said sweetly.

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