Lake Winnetka

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I drove with Nora and Bud up to the lake. The drive was quiet, Nora and I talked about the baby and the move mostly.

We pulled up the to the lake house which was now old and beaten up.

"You guys use to stay here?" Bud asked looking through the driver's window.

"Yeah but this is not how I remember it" I commented.

"Come on this will be fun guys" Nora expressed as she got out of the car.

We walked into the house to find the pack rat "The Chiseler" on the coffee table gnawing at dad's keys.

Kim screamed prompting mom and dad to run into the house.

"What's going on?" My mom asked.

"Stop" Henry yelled. We all stood still.

"The Chiseler"

"Tell me that's not my keys" my dad said

"Get him outside okay" my mom calmingly instructed my dad.

"Oh I remember how to handle this guy" my dad said cockily. He grabbed his cap and the tennis racket. Slowly approaching the table. The rat runs off creating chaos in the house.

Everyone is throwing things left and right while my dad slides all across the floor. The dog gets lose and someone throws explosives in the fireplace.

The rat once again disappeared into his house.

"I'll get a trap in the morning" my dad said.

"A humane one right dad" Mark said. My dad shook his head yes.

"Ok let's clean up and unpack because we have a clambake to go to" my dad enthusiastically yelled. I headed upstairs to get changed. If this clambake was any reflection on the house across the lake it was fancy.

I walked down the stairs to see everyone's eyes on me.

"Do you think we are going to a gala?" My dad asked. I had a simply summery dress on. While it might have been revealing to my more conservative parents it was far from fancy.

"It's a clambake at a private club. I'll probably be still undressed" I said heading to the car with the bud and Nora. A few minutes drive around the lake and we had arrived.

It definitely was fancied than the years prior too. We all walked in extremely underdressed. My dad's friend explained where the food and bar was.

"Maggie, Nora keep an eye on them?" My mom asked as everyone headed downstairs. I shook my head yes and followed the team.

I sat down enjoying the view over the lake. The sun slowly winded down bringing in the cooler summer air.

Bud, Nora and I were eating by the edge of the Lake when fireworks started to go off.

"Oh no" I said trying to wrangle all the kids. Nora, Bud and I stayed a little longer while the rest headed back.

"Jimmy Murtaugh" a man said to me with his arm extended. "You're a nice face here. Wanted to say hi"

"Maggie Baker" I said.

"Maggie Baker. I should have known" he said.

"This young girl gave my son a run for his money one year at the competition" Jimmy explained to the plastic bimbo on his arm.

"I have to get going. Nice seeing you" I said. I rushed over to Nora and Bud.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked. They shook there head and we headed back to the house.

The next morning I was awoken to the sound the breakfast bell. We all filed outside for the first breakfast of the Baker Vacation.

Charlie and Lorraine pulled up just in time. I sprinted to the car.

"It's about time you showed up. Leaving me here alone with all of them" I said. Lorraine and Charlie laughed.

"We have a problem. The Murtaugh's are here and dad's becoming competitive once again" I said. This is why I didn't like the lake. We would compete against the Murtaugh's and we'd always lose.

There was so much pressure riding on our performance back then. It was quite unenjoyable.

"Just let it go" Charlie said hopping out of the car. The two grabbed their suitcases, Lorraine having brought her entire wardrobe and makeup.

During breakfast my dad announced the plan for today but everyone had already made others.

"So what's the plan for today coach" I said helping clean up with breakfast while everyone hurried over to the opposite side of the lake.

"Go have fun" my dad said. I sighed, I had no desire to hang out with the Murtaugh's.

I threw a bathing suit on and sat by the edge of the lake with Lorraine, observing my surroundings.

Most of the kids were outside jumping on the trampoline or riding the jet skis. Charlie was on the deck when he fell in.

"See something you like?" I asked as he walked by soaking wet.

"Shut up Maggie" he said back. I chuckled. This was going to be a long vacation.

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