Mark's Missing

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"So your life is crazy. I'm cool with it" Derek said as we waited for my dad to return from the hospital.

"Yeah. It's not normally like this. Actually it's never been like this. My dad's new job and my mom being away is just the perfect recipe for chaos. I didn't introduce you cause I wasn't sure how you would have reacted. My sister's boyfriend isn't the most welcoming" I explained.

He smiled. "It's cool. I always wanted a sibling or two"

"Having twelve is not like having one or two" I joked.

The phone rang and I excused myself from the couch, picking it up.


"Maggie what is going on?" My mom asked all concerned on the other line.

"Nothing everything is fine why?"

"I know that Dylan is in the hospital, Nora is taking time off her new job, and that you have a secret college boyfriend and I got a call from the principal that your failing classes and Charlie has been missing school. I'm coming home tonight" my mom said clicking the phone off.

My mom was mad, she was ending her book tour, her dream, to come home early and straighten out the mess my dad caused.

"Hey I'll come back later tonight, after the game" Derek said. A few hours later my dad walked in.

"Mom's coming home" I said. He looked defeated.

"I know. It's for the best" he said.

"When were you going to tell me you were failing school? You're going to get kicked off the cheer team" my dad said.

"I quit"


"I quit the team. You couldn't handle this on your own. I stepped up to help but you know what you guys just never see it. Charlie ran off today. Lorraine is in her own little world. I have the twins throwing darts at each other while Mark is letting animals loose. Meanwhile Sarah and Jake are planning schemes. I'm not doing this anymore" I headed up to my room where I waited for Derek to come back. He agreed to pick me up and let me spend the night in his dorm.

Derek's frat was hosting a party and I drank all my feelings away. I woke up with the worst hangover but forced myself up as I had to get home.

Derek dropped me off and I tried my best to sneak. As I climbed the driveway I saw a certain red car here when they clearly weren't suppose to be. As I walked in I heard the voicemail from my mom stating that Oprah was more than willing to conduct an interview in our home. TODAY. I left the message on the machine and quietly climbed the steps to be met by my dad who was beyond mad.

"Downstairs now" he said in a stern voice. I turned around followed him. Just as we were about to head to the kitchen for a stern talk he noticed the blinking light and played the message.

He looked at the time and began to yell to everyone.

"Okay boys clean up the outside. Girls inside. Your mom will be home in a few hours" my dad instructed.

Once the house was clean we all got dressed in our best, except for Charlie who stormed out of the house driving off.

"Maggie is hungover and snuck out last night" my dad whispered to my mom.

"Tom not right now! You and I need to have a talk later" she said fixing my hair. The camera crew was all set up in our living.

"Okay kids. Everything is happy" my mom said as we shuffled into the living room.

"Nice things to say to Oprah. If you don't remember than keep quiet" she yelled.

"Mom beans is dead" Mark sadly said. Sarah being the brat she was had to make a nasty comment back.

"Nobody cares Fedex"

"Stop calling me that!" Mark groaned. He went after Sarah tackling her to the floor.

My mom tried to intervene the fight but the younger kids joined in. Nora came to help as well but it was too late.

"Maggie help" my dad said as they tried to pull everyone off.

"I'm done here" I said walking out of the house and to the train station. I was going back to Midland.

As I turned back once more I could see the camera crew called off Oprah. We were far from being one big happy family.

I sat by the platform waiting for the train to come when I saw a curly red head stumble towards the platform.


"Maggie" he said running towards me. He placed the box down on the seat next to us before embracing me in a hug.

"You ran away?" I asked.

"So did you. I want to go back to Midland and bury beans with his mom pork" Mark explained. I smiled before patting the seat next to me.

I was about to call the house to ease their minds when my dad came running towards us.

"I was worried about you guys" he said trying to catch his breath.

"I just need to breathe. Thought midland would be best" I said.

"I want to bury beans" Mark added and my dad smiled. We boarded the train.

My dad called to say they we would be at the Midland train station in the morning.

The train pulled up and Mark, my dad and I got out. Mark still had the box with beans in it.

"Mom" Mark yelled running into her arms.

"Oh honey. We missed you sweetheart" my mom said rejoiced. She then grabbed me in a hug stroking my hair.

"Do that again and I'm going to have to pound you" Sarah commented. It was the nicest thing she's ever said.

"But I thought I was FedEx" Mark responded. I could tell felt unaccepted in this large family.

"Dude without you we wouldn't be the thirteen bakers anymore... we would be like twelve" Jake said making us all laugh.

"I figured everyone hated me like Sarah and Lorraine hate each other"

"I may want to kill Sarah sometimes but I would kill for her any day" Lorraine commented wrapping an arm around Sarah's shoulders.

"Didn't knows running away was your thing" Charlie joked with me.

"No it's more your style right" I joked back we both laughed.

We drove to the midland house giving it a quick glance before driving back to the city. There we all gathered under the biggest tree where Beans was buried.

My dad attempted to say a few nice words about that frog but I knew deep down he hated him.

The frog after all, destroyed numerous meals, clothing and such.

Mark decided to say the last few words.

"I never had anyone to talk to until now. You got me through it beans. I love you" Mark said. My dad squeezed him tight reassuring we were all here for him.

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