The Cup

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"Maggie wake up" was all heard over the pounding at my door. Today was the big competition for the cup.

I thought I had it clear that I was in no way competing.

I opened the door with the worse case of bed head.

"What?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Your father would love to have you on his team. Maggie win or lose, don't do it for the cup do it for your dad" my mom said. Everyone behind her had their numbers on.

"Fine give me five minutes" I said. I quickly changed brushed my hair and teeth before sprinting downstairs. We all drove over.

"Where did you find the old Team Baker flag?" I asked Lorraine.

"That pack rat stored it in the wall" she said. We pulled up waving the flag. We all ran over to him.

"You can't keep the varsity down" Sarah said.

"Hey Murtaugh this is our year" my dad yelled. We all huddled "I know I've been a jerk all week but that's old news. Okay, now look. You got to get loose. Don't let him intimidate you" my dad said pumping us all up.

We all responded with yeahs signaling we were listening and ready to compete.

"Each of you have a special talent. I don't care if we win or lose I just want us to have fun" my dad said.

"One two three" we all threw our hands in.

"I'm glad you came" my dad said to me slinging his arm around my shoulder. I grabbed him in a side hug.

"I'm always here dad" I said. We started the events switching between us and the Murtaugh's winning. As the end of the ten events Mike Romanow announced we were tied with the Murtaugh's.

In order for us to break the tie we had to canoe with all our family members.

"Woah I have a daughter who is due in a week. She can't canoe" my dad explained concerned about Nora.

"Well Tom maybe you can work out something with Jimmy" mike said.

"Jimmy come on"

"Guess you're going to have to forfeit Baker" Jimmy said having no remorse.

"Well I guess we are" my dad said. Suddenly Nora steps forward.

"Woah,woah woah. You just pissed off a severely hormonal pregnant woman. Let's do this" Nora yelled. We all gathered in the canoe.

"On your marks, get set" Mark announced before shooting the signaling fire in the arm.

We began to paddle everyone stroking at the same time.

"Omg Nora's water just broke" Bud yelled. All the little kids began to freak out. My dad trying to get Jimmy's attention.

"Okay everyone calm down" my mom said. We began to paddle close to the shore.

I could see in the distance the Murtaugh's slowly jumping off the boat swimming towards us.

The Baker's and Murtaugh's joined together to help get Nora to the hospital. We arrived just in time.

My mom and Lorraine got to be in the delivery room while we waited in the waiting room.

Calvin and I were sitting talking when Bud came out.

"Excuse me Tom? Want to to meet your grandson?" He asked.

My dad shot up with a big smile.

"Well you have a nephew" Calvin said elbowing me.

"He's going to be spoiled rotten by all his aunts and uncles" I said. I got up to go see him.

"That's a big boy" Kim said.

"Mike got me a good deal on the lake house" bud said holding the keys.

"Well it's gonna be nice having you as a neighbor bud" Jimmy said.

Nora named her son Tom after my father. A few days later they left heading for Houston.

We stayed for a couple more days before heading back to Evanston and Chicago.

Charlie left school and moved up to the lake. Calvin and I are doing long distance and have agreed to visit each other once a month at least.

Lorraine signed for an apartment in the city.

Nora,Bud and Tom are loving Houston and all it has to offer. The rest of the baker's have gone back to their normal routines while keeping in touch with the Murtaugh's.

The summer of '05 is definitely one for the books!

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