Two Years Later...

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My mom and dad, along with most of my siblings stayed in Evanston. Charlie graduated from Lakeside High school. He then took the job Beth's mom offered him at the auto body shop. I'm not sure if Beth and Charlie are still a thing. After all Charlie moved to back to Midland and I moved to the heart of Chicago. We would occasionally speak on the phone but asking about Beth never seemed important.

Derek and I dated for a few more months until I realized I didn't want a college boy. I think the thrill of my parents not knowing and the distance helped the relationship. Now that we were close and my dad was his buddy I lost the attraction.

Nora dumped Hank shortly after Mark went missing. Dumping Hank lead to her meeting Bud McNulty. Bud was an interesting guy, definitely the opposite of Hank.

Bud loved our family and was respectful of Nora's attention being divided between all of us.

After eight months of dating Bud proposed to Nora. They got married about six months later and now Nora was pregnant. Very pregnant.

I graduated from Lakeside High School a year ago and just finished up my freshman year at the University of Chicago. I'm studying to become a therapist.

The space from my siblings was both nice and boring. Moments I loved it and others I hated it.

I am now rushing to Lorraine's graduation. If it's one trait all us Baker's inherited. It's being late.

I rushed from the parking lot to see everyone there. I quickly exchanged a wave and hi's before sitting down.

Lorraine was up next to receive her diploma. She was beaming from ear to ear. Lorraine has always dreamed of moving to NYC and she was finally achieving that dream. She got an internship with Allure Magazine.

"Lorraine Baker" the announcer called. We all stood up and cheered despite the many looks from parents and family members. Although the Baker's had a tendency to be late, we all loved and supported each other.

We headed back to the house where the backyard was set up for the graduation party.

My dad got up on the stage making a celebratory toast. Lorraine quite embarrassed gives a smile before telling him to stop talking.

My dad got the hint letting the party go on.

"So how's college?" Nora asked.

"It's good. I just feel like life's missing something you know" I said swishing around the watered down contents of glass.

Nora laughed "I think you need another boyfriend"

I scoffed at her comment.

"C'mon I'm happy with Bud now. Maybe that's what you need" Nora said.

My dad and mom sat down at the table.

"So I guess now is the best time to say this. Bud and I are moving to Houston" Nora said. Bud wrapped his arm around Nora's shoulders.

"I got a promotion. I'm going to be the Vice President" Bud added beaming.

"What about the baby. He's not going to have time" my dad paranoidly commented. His tacit to getting his way was to bombard the person with questions that could convince them otherwise.

"Dad. We'll be fine. We have to get going" Nora sweetly said as her and bud left the party.

"It was nice seeing you guys but I have to go get my hands dirty now" Charlie said.

"Your not sticking around for some football?" My dad asked all disappointed. Almost everyone else bailed on my dad as well except for Sarah and I.

"I'm down to get dirty" I said. Sarah looked up at me with a grin.

My dad, Sarah and I played a few rounds of football before I headed back to my apartment in the city.

"I seriously have to get going now" I said tossing the ball back to Sarah.

"Just stay the night in the guest bedroom. Come it will be fun" my dad said trying to convince me otherwise.

"I really should be getting back. Call me if you need anything" I have my dad a hug goodbye before sprinting to my car.

The drive into the city was about a half an hour. I parked in my spot making my way up the elevator and into the apartment.

I was hoping to eat a simple dinner and relax on the couch watching a movie or two.

Just as I placed the food in the microwave my phone went off.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi it's mom and dad. You're on speaker phone with Charlie and Lorraine. Everyone else is here with us"

"Hi guys" I exclaimed as I plopped on the couch. A four way family phone call meant something big was happening. Baker big.

I was praying my parents weren't miraculously having another child.

"So we called you all to discuss going to Lake Winnetka Labor Day weekend. We can rent the house like old times" my dad cheerfully explained.

"Wait my middle name is Winnetka" "and mine is Lake" the twins said.

Kim opened her mouth trying to explain my parents conceived them there but my mom instantly shut it down.

"I'm in I love the lake" Charlie said. Nora and Bud agreed after followed by the rest of the baker household. It was down to Lorraine and I.

I was hesitant, I didn't like the lake that much. It was an older house with this pack rat. As much as I loved getting dirty and stuff the lake just wasn't my favorite place.

"Lorraine? Maggie?" My dad sung into the phone.

"Fine I'm in as long as dad stops trying to convince me not to move to NYC" Lorraine said. Everyone cheered on the other line.

"Maggie honey. What do you say?" My mom asked.

"Fine" I said giving into the peer pressure. Everyone cheered and we discussed the details.

What did I get myself into?

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