Chapter 4. Worries and fears

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Shen yuan's pov

I sat there on the floor still shaking by the thoughts of what happened. What i feared the most is coming true. When i decided to stay away from him i had only one fear in my mind. What if i fell love in with him again? Will i be able to endure the fact that he has a harem or the fact that he would never have same feelings for me that i was used to in the other world.. no wait i was convinced at first that if he found out about me he would hate me.. even if he didn't hate me or took interest in me there's no way he will eyes for me only and i won't be able to stand that.. i know i can't. I took deep breathes to calm down. I need time to think this through and with this thought i packed a few things put them in my storage ring, told father that i'm leaving and he didn't object but instead asked me to take care. Sigh.. he's really such a great person wish i could act more like a son but right now i can't. So i left to a random city far away from the mountain..

Bingge's pov

I can finally have him... that was the only thought i had when i confirmed who he was.. i already figured it out that the shizun i met wasn't the same person as that scum. When i came back from that world i started having dreams.. i first thought they were dreams but they actually memories... memories of me of the other world. All of those memories gave me a feeling that these were the most precious memories of the other.. all of these memories had 'shizun' in them.. how he cared for me how he made me happy just by a few he sacrificed himself countless times just to save me.. even i felt every one of those feelings the memories contained.. it still couldn't erase the bad memories i had with that exact same person though it felt like they were completely different people. So i started analysing these memories.. they weren't complete missing a lot details but they were all about him so it wasn't difficult and i came to a conclusion.. then i discussed the whole thing with the dream demon.

Flash back:
Demon: So what you're trying to say that in those memories at first that person 'shizun' was the same as that scum you killed but he suddenly changed? His behaviour towards you and other peak lords was also changed?

Bingge: Yes.. that's what i can figure out~
At first i thought of body possession but there's no way could'nt have sensed it when we met and there's no way the other me wouldn't have noticed all those years.. so it's not possession but i'm positive that he's not the same person..

D: Hmmm.. so if it's not possession then could it be that his soul was replaced by another Or the original soul was destroyed and another took over..
Bingge:How is that even possible? And how is it different then possession?

D:It is possible..

And it is different because the soul being transferred is the soul of a living person.. the soul hasn't died so it's not a ghost or a spirit.

Let me tell you about two thousand or more years ago there was a person called the soul manipulator or the soul demon.. he was a half human half demon just like you.. he developed a unique skill of manipulating souls and used ut for fun.. transfering one soul to another ones body.. exchanging souls of males and females all for fun but he became bored easily and went to a different world. There was no sign of him since.

Flash back end-

Talking to him made things clear and i never saw those two as the same person and i actually started to feel attached to these memories.. wanting to see him again.. Due to this i also lost interest in women or anyone else completely.. i only accepted these headache (females) because of the power i would gain from their families in the first place.. i thought i would end up liking the company of even one or two but i couldn't even get myself to touch them even once.. sigh~ it's all his fault. I would've stayed single my entire life if he didn't show up.. i chuckled at the thought of him being mine. Three more days.. i can wait till then..

This is unedited so there can be mistakes..

So apparently luo bingge is still pure ;)
Shouldn't shen yuan just man up and snatch him away instead of running away like a coward

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