Chapter 9. Self Saving System 2.0

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Shen yuan woke up with his body completely sore. He groaned from the pain and exhaustion and pinched his forehead to wake himself up that's when someone held his other hand and passed on some spiritual energy into his body. Feeling a bit better he turned his head to look at the person and glared at him.. in response binghe only smiled evilly knowing he deserved the glare. He stroked Shen yuan's head and coaxed him "You'll feel much better after a warm bath"
Having restored some strength he got up from bed and walked towards the bathroom just when he remembered he had to ask something he looked back to find the room was empty.. he shrugged and went in to get a bath.

In the bathroom as soon as he went into the warm water he felt much better and relaxed for a bit then he remembered what happened last night...


After who knows how long of getting entangled with the perverted devil lord Lou binghe himself. It made him remember the reputation of this person in the novel as the harem king.. he couldn't help but say "aiya Being the protagonist of a harem novel really serves him right~"
After it was over he was so exhausted that he couldn't even lift his eyelids open and was about to fall a sleep when he heard the system ring in his head.

[Self Saving System 2.0 activated]

[Recovery bonus received +1]
[Proximity 85%]
[Status: 1000 points]

[It's nice to see you again host]

Huh! You finally show up now? Who was the one telling me that it's job is done and won't be showing it self anymore?
Shen yuan was enraged.. this bastard system left him when he was desperate and confused! You dare to show up now!

[Host don't be mad I was telling the truth. System went on hibernation mode because host was not in need and besides the main source of the systems energy is the protagonist and you were in no contact with him]

[The system is only activated because the source of energy is back]

Humph whatever! What are you here for now? Do I need to earn points again or I'll die like before.. and what's with the '2.0' is that an update or something

[Yes it's exactly what the host said. The host will die if you do not take preventive measures. The situation is different than the other world. There are more than a few people harbouring Ill intentions towards you and the cause of all that is being with the protagonist who holds the highest position in both realms right now]

Shen yuan kept his eyes closed pretending to be asleep while binghe who was holding him in his arms kept stroking his back tenderly
"So I don't need to earn points? I don't quite understand" he inquired with the system

[Let me explain host. You do not necessarily need to gain points unless you want to exchange it for an item in the newly established inventory]

[This inventory consists of number of abilities, tools and skills. These items can be bought through points and additional items can be given as bonus gifts at the completion of missions]

[These items will not only help you save yourself from the enemies but they will also help with gaining favour of the protagonist]

"I see so this update is only to help me face any obstacles I will face"
It took him a few seconds to take in the info system just told him.. "wait.... Why would I need to gain favour of the protagonist?" For a second from this sentence it felt like I am in one of those historical novels where the emperor takes in a new concubine and the story goes on with how she faces all the green tea Royal bitches to gain the favour of the emperor.. Just the thought of this made him cringe and shudder "wft am I thinking!"

[You can think of it that way Host]

"Alright alright i will talk to you later about this I'll be sleeping now"

[Goodnight Host]

End of flashback~

Shen yuan soaked in the water then called the system "System! I just remembered something.. what was the bonus I received yesterday"

[Good morning host. The bonus you received yesterday is an advanced ability.. it matches to your cultivation style but you will need to learn how to control it] when system stopped speaking a green apple appeared in Shen yuan's hand..

He stared at the Apple for a minute "so I just need to eat it? And what is this ability can you explain more"
My cultivation is earth type and it is greatly related to water and plant styles of cultivations.

[Of course host. The ability is an ancient one which only elves and forest mages used to have.. in this era this ability is completely vanished and it is only recorded in a few texts about elves. After mastering this skill your cultivation will increase a rapid pace and you will be able to use water and plants for defence or attack.. there is also other related skills in the inventory that can be used such as water type healing skill and growing spiritual herbs in seconds]

"That's interesting" his lips curved in a smile listening to the system. Damn This is pretty cool. I always wanted to try something like this.. I even played a few games about elves and magic he thought.


Not long after he came out of the bath and headed towards the room.. his senses were hit with a appetising scent of delicious food and his eyes lit up when he saw binghe placing a bowl and chopsticks on the table filled with delicious looking food.. he couldn't wait and sat down to eat with clear happiness on his face and his lips lifted into a smile.. seeing this binghe smiled as well and passed him the chopsticks. After taking a few bites he (SY) said without a second thought "ai I missed your cooking so much. Only you can satisfy my taste buds" he beamed and ate several side dishes as well.
"You're the the first person I've ever cooked for.. I don't remember but it seems I used to cook for you" smiling binghe also started eating
"En.. of course you always cooked for me and I love your cooking"

They chatted with each other for a long time.. the awkwardness from before seemed to have disappeared and binghe couldn't be more happier with it.

So thoughts? 🙃

Scum villain & bingge (The Darkened Luo Binghe Meets Real Shen Yuan)Where stories live. Discover now