Chapter 10. A fairy

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After knowing about the souls Shen yuan became a lot more relaxed and stayed at the palace with comfort for the next few days. He didn't start cultivating his new ability right away cause he needed to relax his mind and stable his current cultivation first or trying something new could backfire his current cultivation.

He would meditate throughout the day or whenever he was alone since binghe had always been busy due to disturbances caused by other powerful forces in demon realm. On the fifth day he finally dared to eat the green apple.


[Yes Host]

"Do I need to be careful about something before eating this?"

[No. Rest assure host this fruit only provides pure forest essence which will transform your physical conditions into a suitable one for the ability to work]

"So I need to change my physical conditions in order to cultivate this method. It's like when you start cultivating the body goes through purification." He stared at the green apple for a few moments before finally taking a bite

"Emm this actually doesn't taste that bad"

[Host surely didn't think it would be bad in taste because of its colour.. did you?]

"Heh? Don't all green apples taste bad" 'I even thought there might be a worm or something in it knowing your dark history of taking advantage of me' he thought in his heart.

[How can that be? The things I gave you have always been first class. Surely your luck would be at fault if there actually was a worm in it]

Shen yuan had a stunned expression "how did you.."

[I can hear your thoughts]

"Even when I don't speak to you in my mind!?"

[Yep.. Host can't secretly curse me anymore]

"Huh! system you've changed..
wait! this is complete violation of privacy!"

[Of course I've upgraded. Host didn't care about privacy when I could hear and see you during your blissful night excersises with the protagonist] the voice was still robotic but there was a cocky tone to it. Shen yuan was red with embarrassment "y -you... how dare you peek on people!"

[I literally live in your head]

Shen yuan wanted to hack this system into pieces when the fruit finally started its effect. Shen yuan felt a burning sensation on his entire body while all of his bones started to ache. It wasn't too painful but there was an itchiness all over his skin. He sat down and tightly held his hands into fists that his fingers almost became blue and bloodless.

At this time Binghe was in demon realm with his comrades where he was discussing how to subdue the demon forces and he probably wouldn't be back before midnight so Shen yuan wasn't worried. The uncomfortable feeling lasted about an hour and when it finally vanished Shen yuan who was covered in sweat before Now felt a cooling sensation and all the uncomfortableness turned into a pleasant feeling.. he curiosity looked at his hands which were glowing a faint white and green light. He stood up to the long mirror to see surely his entire body was faintly glowing. His snow white hair had a green hint to it.. his eyelashes were longer 'way longer for it be on a man or even a human' and had a darker shade of green which was almost blended with black.. his pink lips were now a complete strawberry red colour.. his original pale white skin had a healthy pink flush on it.

"This... This appearance is too much.  I'm still a man! Why do these things always have to beautify me!? System!! Come out! Let me hack you f-for scamming people!!"

[Host Calm down.. let's be civilized alright there's no need to resort to domestic violence]

"Civilized my ass! And since when did we become a family?" His face was red with anger but it only made him look even more seductive.

[I literally live inside you]

He was speechless for a moment then refuted "I still don't acknowledge such a scam system to my family!" At this moment there was a knock at the door. "Young master Shen. Your afternoon tea is here" it was the little servant assigned to him by binghe. Hearing his voice Shen yuan finally calmed down a little ".. ok come in"

The servant opened the door with a tray in his hand and placed it on the table with head low but as soon as he turned around to see Shen yuan he was completely stunned. "Y-Young master y -you.. you turned into a fairy!"
It could be said that if the little demon child hadn't placed the tray on the table by now he would've surely dropped it out of shock.
Shen yuan was speechless with this child's reaction and he didn't know if he should laugh or cry. He helplessly sat on the chair and picked up the tea cup "don't talk nonsense.. you can go now" The servant looked away after a few decades when he finally came back to earth and nervously replied "y-yes" and left blushing with a scarlet face and by the time Binghe came back to the palace it was already spread and known throughout the whole palace that 'young master Shen who was already famous for having the beauty of an immortal now actually has the appearance of a fairy.~


*Shen Yuan's appearance was inspired by this picture but it's not the same*

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*Shen Yuan's appearance was inspired by this picture but it's not the same*

Scum villain & bingge (The Darkened Luo Binghe Meets Real Shen Yuan)Where stories live. Discover now