Chapter 12. Immortal level cultivation manual

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Shen yuan slept till noon the next day and woke up refreshed.. he stretched out a bit when he realised "huh I don't feel tired at all... My body isn't aching either what's happening? System.."

He just called out to system but just then a hand pulled him back to lie down on his back embraced in a firm grip "so when are you going to explain to me"

Shen yuan "...fvck I forgot to think of an excuse"

He turned to his side to face binghe. "Explain what.."
Binghe raised a brow suspiciously then chuckled and kissed his forehead "it's okay if you don't want to tell me.. just don't do something too dangerous. besides..." He smiled evilly "you look ten times more seductive now.... I don't mind" he said in low seductive raspy tone

Shen yuan's entire face turned red immediately from embarrassment and anger.. he glared at the other "fvck! who wants to look like this.. if i had known i wouldn't attempt to cultivate this method!..."
Binghe was amused seeing his beloved turning scarlet from anger he couldn't help but think "he's too cute when he's angry.. not even a least bit threatening.. like a small kitten" "it's not that bad actually.. i just checked your body with my spiritual sense there's nothing too different about it.. it's just more pure and you keep absorbing the spiritual energy from nature even in your sleep without even trying to do so it makes you more close to nature.. it'll increase your cultivation speed by a lot too" explained while soothing his lovers hair to comfort him.

Hearing this made sy' s anger slightly better and he couldn't help but sigh "well at least it's not too bad.." he mumbled and turned around to face his 'so called' future husband "I.. I actually gained a divine level item while traveling and I didn't really have the time to inspect it before you brought me here and I only got the chance a few days ago.. apparently it was an inherence left by an immortal.. probably an elf if I may guess but I didn't know it would be this powerful after accepting it" Shen yuan explained with a serious face but got pulled closer into binghe's arms.. he chuckled amused "so you got such a treasure while running away from me.. " he smiled and kissed at the corner of sy's eye and enjoyed the embarrassmed expression of his beloved " ah that won't happen again" Shen yuan refuted feeling a bit guilty and knowing how insecure this person has always been he reassured

"Even if I were to go somewhere in the future I won't leave you... You don't have to worry about me running away"

Seeing the earnest expression on him binghe smiled brightly like a child who finally got what he wanted "Okay I trust you"


In the next few days Shen yuan started practicing his new skills and cultivated non stop only stopping for few hours at night when he had dinner with binghe..

   Though cultivators can get by without eating anything for months but he really enjoys when binghe cooks for him.. it's something he can never get enough of even in his last Life and this one.

As he started cultivating he noticed that not only did he absorb spiritual energy from the heaven and earth .. even plants, rocks, water and the nature itself was providing him with spiritual energy to absorb only that this energy after entering his meridians was not warm but cool to some extent that it made him relaxed after running it through his body..

he distinguished that this was precisely the spiritual energy he absorbed from the water related elements.

He was more interested after this discovery and started exploring the energies of different natural elements he absorbed.

On the third week of his continuous diligent cultivation he suddenly couldn't absorb any spiritual energy at all..

he was puzzled at first but after repeated tries he still couldn't get anywhere.. and anxiously called the system in his head.

[Host is finally ready to forgive his family's cute system (っ,˘̩ ^˘̩)っ]

When did we became family?? and cute....! You..?

[If host can't see my cuteness than host can only blame your own judgement and of course we're family haven't we been through so much together]

"Never mind! Never mind! You win.. now tell me what's going on why can't I absorb spiritual energy anymore"

[Naturally with a new cultivation host would need a new cultivation manual.. you're old method can't work anymore]

"Don't tell me I have to buy that manual from the item store?" Fvck i wasn't planning on doing any missions for points until I actually needed something

[Of course not host.. you already received it that day when you ate the fruit]

Hearing this Shen yuan hurriedly checked the item store and immediately found a golden book labelled "immortal level; wisdom of faeries"

He opened the gold covered book in his consciousness and found out that it had five chapters having apparently five levels of the manual. He tried to read the first chapter but couldn't..

It was blank... "..."



[Host needs 500 points for unlocking the first chapter..]

system tried to save his ass and hurriedly explained                          

[You Don't need to worry.. you already have 1000 points from before the upgrade]

SY heaved a long sigh in an attempt to calm himself down and unlocked the chapter.

[Ding! First stage of cultivation manual "wisdom of faeries" unlocked]

Cost: 500 points

Current balance: 500 points


A/N : All the concepts and cultivation methods mentioned are completely made up by me.. and the name of the book was actually taken from a novel of the same title..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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