Chapter 11. Fry your heart for me

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Lou binghe entered the palace late at night after a long day of working. Just as he entered the main entrance due to his high cultivation his five senses were enhanced to its highest level and he heard whispers of the guards in a distance "did you heard about lord's future Dao companion today? I was.." another guard harshly interrupted "do you have a death wish! Don't talk about him so carelessly.. we will be dead if lord heard us" Hearing there conversation binghe raised a brow "did something happen while I was gone?" He walked faster towards his courtyard "he tried to run away or maybe had a bad encounter with someone" he quickly reached his courtyard towards his room when he heard two people laughing and happily talking inside.. that's when he gave a sigh of relief "everything's fine.. he won't leave me again" he quietly stood there hiding his breath to calm himself down first and heard the conversation inside the room.

"Young master you have no idea when lord was having a meeting with the master of succubus clan. He swore to everyone that he will seduce our lord in just a few minutes but in the three or four hours when they were discussing lord binghe didn't even give a slightest of reaction" hearing this Shen yuan couldn't help but chuckle "that cheeky pervert is supposed to be a harem master but neither in the last world nor here i Don't see even a sign of those traits"

"That poor demon. As far as I know succubus are quite proud of there charm to seduce others and there cultivation also depends on it.. his self-esteem was probably crushed" the child excitedly sat besides Shen yuan

"that's exactly what happened.. he was unable to accept and asked his subordinates to get lord checked and he claimed that he's 100% sure lord has a serious physical illness (being unable to (๑¯◡¯๑) ).. he even said that if someone could prove him wrong and get a reaction from lord he is ready to bring his heart out.. fry it in a pan and give it to that person"

Shen yuan couldn't hold it and burst out laughing and was unable to stop after a long time "haha I can imagine how serious he was when he claimed this but it's too funny"

Outside the door binghe felt his heart strings being pulled due to that pleasant laugh and couldn't help smiling.. he slowly walked into the room to Shen yuan sitting on the edge of the bed with the child servant. The servant stood up instantly when he saw binghe "this servant will leave now" he lowered his head and quickly left the room. Shen yuan turned around to face binghe with a smile "you're back"

At this moment binghe felt the world around him pause and his black pupils became harder as he took in the image of his beloved.. his hair which was only waist length was now almost to his feet.. silver White with a hint of blue ( green in the day & blue at night).. his already beautiful eyelashes longer now.. his white skin having hints of pink on his cheek.. eyes from original night blue to icey blue and slightly moist due to laughing so hard just now.. he slowly and cautiously touched Shen yuan's face with a trembling hand.. he whispered in a hoarse voice "Ah yuan~"
(A/n : A yuan - A way of calling intimately to family members)

Shen yuan held the hand on his cheek and looked into the others eyes. He could clearly see a fire inside.. a fire that was more psychotic than what he's seen before and he inwardly thought "I'm dead.... Fuck this shitty system clearly wants me to die!! I wanna commit domestic violence!"
[Host please calm down violence is bad]

He was panicking inwardly but didn't show it on his face when he looked up to binghe "what's wrong are you tired did you have din.." he couldn't complete his sentence when his lips were covered and binghe kissed him.. this wasn't a gentle kiss but filled with strong emotions and he was completely dizzy and breathless when their lips separated.. binghe embraced him tightly and burried his head in the others neck. After a few moments of silence he was kissed on the neck and binghe whispered "I'm sorry.. I can't control myself anymore" Shen yuan could feel binghe's body reacting but wasn't able to resist even for a second and he couldn't help cursing "fuck....
Mr. Succubus come out! Bring out your fried heart" as expected after that he was throughly eaten like a three course meal.

Short chapter~

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