Wish It Was Just a Story...on Day 15

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One cold winter night while cooking the university student's staple food - pasta! - my friend shared with me that a member of his family dabbled in black magic and managed to summon something which haunted their house long after the summoners death, and probably still haunts it to this day. One day, his aunt left her newborn on the bed to get a diaper in the hallway. Upon returning, a ghostly shadow, shaped like a woman wearing all black with long, flowing hair and dress, was floating at the end of the bed, right at the baby's feet, and reaching out for it! His aunt screamed, ran forward, grabbed the baby and fled, never to return to the house. This is only one of many stories about the house he told. We ate pasta that night looking over our shoulders!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please don't ask the identity of person who told me the story as that is confidential. I also don't know the location of the house. I trust the person who told the story that it is true.


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