Struggles of the Devil

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                                  It had been a year since Alastor first manifested in Hell, learning that the mortal had learned how to grow in power by collecting souls and making Deals with other Demons, Lucifer heard rumors that the other was plotting against him and as such the Devil couldn't help but be amused.   After finding and saving him from the last Angel Extermination, he had hoped the Radio Demon would put aside their petty differences and become well... as they were when they had met in the human world.   Sadly it would seem the other didn't remember their time together, then again it was brief and over 9 years ago now that the Devil had visited Earth,

"You really should do something about him, Dear, before he gets out of hand.  You know you're not the same anymore, Lucifer."  He looked up from his desk to glance at Lilith, she had been at his side for Eons as the two ruled with power over Hell but recently the Denizens of Hell look at the Royal family as if they were a joke.  Still, Lucifer didn't much care what the mortals thought of him however she was right, he couldn't allow himself to be seen as weak when Alastor kept flaunting about claiming to rule one day.  If that was the case, Demons did like to spread rumors, it was an old way Overlords used to get the Devil to kill another because of competition.   Lucifer wasn't dealing with that,

"I will handle him when the time comes, I owe him after all and the Devil always pays his dues." Lilith scoffed as she didn't trust mortals at all, they were used for one thing to her and that was to feed on them since Lucifer didn't care for her in that way anymore.  The two had been at each other's side for eons and have ruled side by side, they had their time where they had been lovers and filled each other's needs.  However, over time things had calmed between the two mortals but they had agreed to have Charlie as they had hoped it brought them closer as a family, she was born around the 1800s as she aged slowly throughout the years.   Lucifer and Lilith stayed together for a time but found they didn't share desire towards one another.  After a time, Lucifer would go out to his garden while Charlie was off somewhere in the palace playing with the many dolls she had and his Queen was out having her own kind of fun.  The Devil went for a walk through his forest, he thought of his memories and wondered why the other didn't recall. Perhaps he was insignificant to the Radio Demon, how he missed his friend.

                      While the King of Hell strolled through his garden, deep in the memories of the past, a certain red deer was doing the same as the Radio Demon was off in search of a meal for himself.  He was aware that the Devil kept a few deer in his garden from a few rumors around Hell and decided to see for himself as he was quite hungry at the moment, was this a terrible idea?  Probably.  Reaching a little opening, he spotted a doe there with her fawn as the sight brought a smirk to Alastor's lips and he summoned forth a few of his shadows to aid in taking the two animals down.  Lucifer was walking aimlessly through his forest, however, he suddenly felt the presence of a Demon and looking around until he came across the sight of Alastor about to attack a doe and her fawn he went wide-eyed while whistling using his fingers.  The Doe lifted her head to bleat at her young as the two ran towards the Devil, the shadows would try for them and summoning his cane, he'd send balls of Hellfire to disperse them.  Alastor would see the Devil standing with his hands out and the Deer hiding behind him, they saw him as a protector as Lucifer cared for all living creatures within his realm.

"You would kill a mother and her babe, truly a wicked soul you are but what's to be expected from a Demon in Hell."  Watching his dinner escape from his grasp, Alastor found himself falling into a foul mood while narrowing his eyes at the Devil, maintaining his smile he manifested his microphone into his grasp while heaving a sigh.

Devil's Guardian:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now