If Ya Can't Beat Em' Befriend Em'

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                    As Alastor rested within his room, bandaged and cleaned up, Lucifer would find himself dozing on the couch as he found he needed sleep more these days in which case he knew it was probably a bad idea to do in the home of the Radio Demon.  Hours later, Alastor would be sitting up in bed with a grunt, the Radio Demon looked down at himself as he was covered in bandages from head to toe. Being more conscious now, he took in all that happen prior to him drifting off to sleep. The Devil crossed his mind and he took notice of the powerful presence still in his home.  It was a bit surprising to see that Lucifer had stuck around rather than leaving the Deer be once tended to.  Standing from the bed, Alastor slowly made his way to his closet to dress.  He definitely wasn't going to greet the Devil naked. Once clothed, the Deer made his way out of the room and followed Lucifer's presence towards the living room. There, he found the Devil sound asleep on his couch.  Now, this was certainly a surprising sight to behold.  Lucifer stirred in his sleep, cursing as he went about rubbing his eyes and was confused at the sight around him. Oh, shoot, he had fallen asleep in... oh Alastor, was the Devil surprised to see that the Radio Demon had his microphone pointed at his face and looking as if he was going to attack him? No, not at all...

"Now Alastor... there's no need to be violent Dearie~" he didn't move from his spot as he looked at the other's crimson eyes, there was a lack of mercy in them but probably a hint of understanding too which gave the Devil something to work with.  Alastor kept his microphone pointed at the Devil's face, eyes narrowed while his smile was still kept on his face.

"Why are you still here, Devil?"  He went on to ask as he was aware his actions weren't the smartest, Lucifer could easily take him down with a snap of his fingers.  But the deer wasn't all that keen on him still being present in his home. He wanted him gone.  Lucifer slowly sat up to smile at the other, it would seem Alastor had yet to figure out that he was the cause of the Demons attacking him like that and it gave the Devil an idea.  How did that saying go, he read it once.   If you can't beat them, befriend them? Maybe... it was in a book he read when he was a mortal.

"I just wanted to make sure... no one jumped you while you rested is all, nothing more? Honestly, if I was up to no good, wouldn't I be well.. in your room with you doing dastardly things?"  Watching the Devil sit up, Alastor backed away a bit but still kept his microphone pointed. He was ready to strike when needed, even if doing so killed him. He kept his guard up, however it shattered upon Lucifer's words. The thought of the Devil doing whatever he pleases to him while he slept disgusted him right down to his core and he drew back a bit.  He did wake up practically naked...

"You better not of done anything while I was unconscious!" The Radio Demon growled, moving forward again to jab his microphone into Lucifer's chest.  Lucifer eyed the other rather amused as he saw Alastor was on guard, maybe he truly did fear him? Then again, that was the point really, but seeing that look of disgust on the other's face made him laugh a bit before feeling the other's staff jabbed into his chest. The Devil looked up at the Deer, his eyes shimmering yellow as he went to grab the other's staff, holding it as he stood up in a swift motion to reach for the other's face.

"And what if I had, Radio Demon?  It's not as if you're in any position to do anything about it now are you?"  The seriousness of his face and voice, the aura of the Devil ever daunting, the Radio Demon tensed up upon his face being grabbed and growled much louder at the Devil.  And yet the Devil suddenly smiled while jumping back from the other no longer touching him,

"Kidding!   Come now, Alastor, I was simply helping you as you did pray for me to do so. Not many mortals pray for the Devil... well at least not sane ones, mostly those crazy cultists... are you crazy Alastor?"   He went to walk a bit around the room trying to drop the tension between them, Alastor wasn't sure if praying to the Devil had been the smart thing or not however he was glad to be alive and although Lucifer was an odd being he would keep on eye on him for now and before long the King would leave Alasor's home.  The Radio Demon watched as the Devil left his home, sighing in relief now that he was gone. Relaxing now, the deer went off to rest a bit longer as his body still ached from the attack last night. Settling back into his bed, he wondered who sent those demons to attack him.  Someone must have had to... and later that night.  Just as the Spirit liked to cause mischief and chaos, a Shadow Demon emerged within Alastor's room as the other was resting.   It held no form but its voice echoed through the Radio Demons home, "You wish to know who sent the Demons? It was the Devil... he tried to kill you. He's having second thoughts though as he wants to befriend you so he can use your powers.  If you befriend him first, make him believe you are loyal and harmless. Then the Devil will drop his guard and you can strike Radio Demon.  End the Devil and rule over Hell~"  The sleeping deer shifted beneath his covers, his ears twitching and flicking at the words being told to him. With each and every word, he seemed to toss and turn. Grasping at the sheets desperately, the Radio Demon muttered in his sleep. "End...the Devil...and...rule...Hell..." He repeated with a growl before his eyes opened and the red deer shot up panting. He looked around his room frantically, finding nothing. His house was silent, yet those words rang in his head. Lucifer tried to kill him... Anger boiled in the Radio Demon for a moment, before he let it fade. Yes, he could get close...

Devil's Guardian:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now