Lucifer's Heart and Alastor's Tears

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                                 Seven years had passed since Lucifer and Alastor had found that the two rather enjoyed each other's company, sure, Alastor at first had wanted power but over time he found that the Devil truly wanted to just be friends and it took some time before the Deer trusted Lucifer.  The Devil and Deer came to terms with their partnership after years of challenging each other to where they couldn't help but become closer as friends.  Lucifer decided it was time to visit his friend at his home within the swamp, the sound of wings flapping as he'd land in the swamps surrounding the home of the Radio Demon.   Lucifer cursed as he got mud on his nice boots, sighing he went about running a hand over his neck.  They were just shoes, after all, he'd walk towards the home of Alastor going about knocking on his door.  Inside, Alastor was in the midst of cook himself lunch when his ears twitched at the sound of a knock.  He could sense the familiar presence and it caused his smile to widen.

"In a moment your majesty!"  The deer shouted, putting his cooking on hold.  Strolling over to the front door, he opened it to welcome his companion.  "Greetings your majesty!"  It was a joy to see Lucifer again, as always.  He could never get bored of the other's company.  Observing the Devil, the deer took note that Lucifer was in his usual wear while he himself was in a much more casual set of attire.

"Here for a visit, I assume?" Alastor asked.  Lucifer stood as he always did, regal as royalty normally did and although he came off as such to many others it didn't seem to faze Alastor when the King acted as such.

"Hello, Alastor, may I come in?"  He took note of the other's attire and wondered if he should have thought as much then again other's seeing him in anything but his usual attire, he shrugged while smiling.

"Well of course!"  The deer grinned from ear to ear and moved aside to allow the Devil into his home, "Your just in time for lunch!" Shutting the front door, Alastor lead Lucifer into his little dining room and pulled up a seat for him.  Manifesting his microphone into his grasp, he gave it a wave and a bowl of apples was brought to the table by a shadow.

"They're freshly picked, your majesty!  Enjoy!"  The Radio Demon insisted, plucking a green apple from the pile and holding it out to Lucifer.  Lucifer was looking around the other's home intrigued by the simplicity of his cozy little abode and while entering his little dining room to sit at the table with a leg crossed over the other he eyed the apples uninterested, especially when he handed him a green one. Thing was, Lucifer only ate apples from his garden any other apples weren't the same even though they looked the same.   He glowered at the other, he hated green apples and yet Alastor was his host he supposed he had to have some manners in accepting his hospitality.

"Thank you but uh you said you had lunch?   As long as there isn't any other demon in it?" If there wasn't any other Demon in it, the Devil was always happy to try another's cooking.  The deer tilted his head confused as he placed the apple back in the bowl with the variety of others.  Didn't the Devil enjoy apples?  Shaking off the question, Alastor chuckled.

"It's only venison, your majesty, I didn't mix any demons this time!"  He claimed with a wide smile, Lucifer should have guessed as much, looking back to the apple the thought of eating... Alastor's kind was bad enough but the Devil adored Deer and didn't really care for meat at all.   He would grab a non-green apple and although these were normal apples, he didn't have much of a choice.

"Sorry, I don't really like meat so... I'll eat apples." He munched happily, "Must say this is nice and cozy,"

"Very well then your majesty!  More for me!"  The deer grinned before taking a seat across from Lucifer at the table.  He looked around his home when he heard the comment from the other.

Devil's Guardian:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now