A Chrismas Special: Tis the Season

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                             Author's Note:  This is a Christmas Special, please enjoy!

                     It was that time again, the end of the year when mortals gathered and ran about getting ready for a time of year that had them scrambling about buying gifts and making lots of food to celebrate the joy of Christmas.  It was a Holiday of the mortals that Charlie took a liking to and so she and the Hotel decorated the halls of their home, lights, and holly everywhere as well as a giant tree set up within the common room where Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Niffty and a few others gathered around to decorate the tree.  Devyn had servings of Eggnog, cookies, and cakes for everyone to enjoy as Lyanna was decorating the ceiling with hanging crystals that shimmered in the light of the fireplace.  Charlie was dressed in a Christmas sweater and hat along with Vaggie who couldn't stop snogging her girlfriend, Angel Dust was dressing his little piglet along with Yuuki who was a small colorful mink in a Santa hat.  Elizabeth and Marie had enjoyed a nice cup of Eggnog and were both going wild as they were both wolves and played tug of war with an Alastor plushie meanwhile Lucifer was playing the piano off in the corner when he finally felt the presence of his Dear Friend as the real Alastor appeared before the room to look around surprised by everything that was going on.  He held his smile as always but Lucifer could see the emotion behind the other's eyes, he was not happy, not in the slightest, and calling him over to sit next to him at the piano.  Charlie had glanced over worriedly as Lucifer spoke,

"Evening Dearie, finally nice of you to join us what's the matter Alastor?"  The Deer had gone out to hunt yesterday and just decided to stay away for a while as the holidays were something he never liked, having so many bad years with his childhood and adulthood wasn't all that better either.  He looked at Lucifer and sighed heavily,

"I do not care for this holiday, call me a Grinch or grump or a..."

"A scrooge?"  Lucifer smiled as he leaned to kiss the other's cheek making Alastor stutter to blush as Charlie cried out,

"Oh, Dad!  I love that story!  Please, please please tell it, tell the story!"  The others looked over as they heard and the Devil chuckled as he went to stand and walk in front of the fireplace where all the Demons sat around to look at the King, Alastor stayed at the piano and began to play something gentle as Lucifer began his tale.

                                Once upon a time, there lived a Radio Host who was the biggest scrooge there could be and during the holidays he'd be the worst throughout the whole year, staying late at his station with his assistant Lou who was trying to get his work done as fast as possible.  When he was about to leave, Alastor pushed his glasses up on his nose to glance at the other rather annoyed.

"Where do you think you're going, Lou?"  The young man paused to look at his boss frowning somewhat,

"Uh... my shift is over early today Sir, it's Christmas Eve?"  Alastor's eye twitched as he remembered now, of course, how could he forget?  Looking out the window at the others scrambling around to finish buying presents and getting feasts and parties all ready while he shook his head,

"Very well, but Lou, I want you here early in the morning you understand?"

"On Christmas Morning?  But I'm spending it with my little girl... her mother isn't around this year so it's just me and her, I'm not sure I can find a babysitter in time to-"

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