All Your Imperfections

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                                  The Radio Demon was entering dangerous territory with this deal.  It was indeed a wonderful idea, but only if he won.  If Lucifer was the winner, he'd have no choice but to listen to his request and fulfill it.  Denying it was the best option, but for once the Deer found himself turning that idea down and smirking.  A little risk never hurt anyone, after all.

"Very well, I accept the deal, your majesty!"  Alastor chuckle and shaking hands with the Devil to seal the deal.  Lucifer smiled as he did so, reaching to shake the other's hand as his eyes glowed from making a deal with the Devil, he chuckled and the game began, the Devil had been around a long time and knew every move on the board there was and yet perhaps this time would be different for the Deer as this aspect excited the Devil.  Alastor rarely asked him for anything and he was curious as to what the Deer would ask if he won?  The pieces moved as each one had their turn,

"The Hotel is doing rather good I must say, everyone seems to be having fun and feeling safe somewhat within Hell, I'm glad I helped when you asked me."

"Well I'm glad you accepted helping me, it was certainly fun working side by side with you Lou!" Alastor chuckled, moving his own chess pieces with ease as he knew what strategy he would be using. This was a new one he came up with and hoped it would be enough to fool the Devil and claim victory for once.  Lucifer was eyeing the others moves and although it was the first he'd seen the other use, he knew all too well, still, he was curious what Alastor would ask of him and although he loved to win.  He loved seeing Alastor come out on top, even more, he made a mistake on purpose and maybe the Radio Demon would catch it, he'd make another as he continued to talk.

"You know that time in the forest where we shared our first kiss, I had my doubts that you truly cared for me just because mortals fall for the Devil's charms.   You're not a mortal of carnal desires as I've come to learn and I am fine with that, I hope I don't make you nervous in that aspect?"  Taking notice of the Devil's two mistakes, the Deer quickly made his move to claim victory of the chess game.

"Yes well, you should know by now Lucifer that it's hard to charm the Radio Demon!" Alastor chuckled, "You managed to, not because of your powers, but because I genuinely found you... lovely to be around, Lou~"  Moving his king piece, the Radio Demon claimed the other's and smirked as victory was his for the first time.

"Checkmate!"  Lucifer noted how quickly the other took this chance, raising an eyebrow as the other said as much and as he claimed victory.

"Well done, Dearie, and as such a Deal's a deal Radio Demon." His aura darkened as his eyes glowed eerie yellow, he grinned baring his fangs. "What shall you have of the Devil, Alastor~"  

                           Alastor watched the Devil closely as his whole aura darkened and his snake-like eyes glowed. It wasn't a frightening sight to the Deer like it was the first encounter they had. Chuckling, Alastor leaned back in his seat and pondered for a moment.  He had an idea already of what he wanted from Lucifer but wanted to make sure it was something he didn't mind going through with.  A minute or two ticked by before Alastor stood from his seat. Taking a few steps towards the Devil, he leaned down and grasped the King by his chin. Tilting his head up, his crimson eyes met Lucifer's and that feeling that always hit him formed in his chest again. Yes, this was something he wanted to do.  Leaning down, the Radio Demon closed the gap between the Devil and him.  When he took hold of his chin, that aura of the Devil's dissipated as he looked into the other's crimson eyes, he tensed at that look and felt that tightening within his chest.

Devil's Guardian:  An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now