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                                                                             Lili's POV

                   I woke up to these heavy brightness lights rimming on the circles of my eyes feeling as if someones forcing me to stare at the lights.  I was looking around, where am I? Where? Why are there so many machines around me? I know the word. it's on the tip of my tongue I just can't figure it out. My thoughts were distributed and it was Cole...

"Hey Lil's" 

"Lil's? That's all you say after raping me and sending me to the worst place that you knew I didn't like?"

"Lil's I'm sorry for raping you, you see somethings happening and I can't tell you because then you'd be in danger and that's the last thing I want. Especially, as it involves with some very dangerous people"

"Just get out"

"What? What do you mean? Don't you want me here?"



"COLE GET THE FUCK OUT!". As I said that he flinched and started rimming with tears. He started to get up bot stoped in his tracks as he said "Just know, I love you". He left and I started crying. Am I the reason I'm here? No! I can't think like that because he was the one who made a mistake. Then it hit me "I love you to" I said to myself as his shadow disappeared and walked through the doors.

                                                                        Cole's POV

As I came home I felt regression for even walking out. I am the fear of her. I ruined her just because someone said something and realization hit me that I had to do it. I was just getting ready for bed and I was revising the quotes that happened in the hospital room and remaking it in my head. 

"Leave me alone, ok just...leave me alone Cole. You should just go"

"I thought it was ok"

"Yeah I don't want you here get out!"



"Ok, I'll go, but tell me what's going on ok? Tell me what's wrong"

"Just get out"

"Ok look, I was an asshole and I'm sorry, and I can never make it right, I can never say all this to you but, I love you."

She turns to look at me.

"And I will never hurt you"


"Lili, Im not going, not now, not ever. I love you Lili"

"Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?"


I stare at her blankly, not knowing what to say or do. Then, she started crying, I went to hug her but she just disappeared...she's dead.

I woke up in an instant. Sweat dripping off my body, my head spinning, feeling my body detaching to different things. I am the monster to this girl but, she's the death of me, the love of my life and I'm getting her back as soon as the beauty walks through this door.

After scrolling through my phone for what felt like hours I started drifting off to sleep. The golden beauty on my mind and wondering, will she ever come back?

sadly, 492 words only and promise the next part will be more and will come much sooner-Melanie. Ps just watched the bughead scene and holy SHIT!!!!!!!

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