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THE NEXT SEVERAL weeks went by smoothly, with every day the same as the last. Same schedule, same nightmares, but now with the addition of after hours training with her new mentor, Venus Vaccarro. The pair worked well together, establishing a routine of sorts, even though it took some getting used to for Cecelia. They worked around and with each other, cooperating and staying out of each other's way when needed.

Cecelia was surprised, to say the least, to find that she enjoyed their sessions. She still tread lightly around her mentor, but within their first few lessons she had already caught herself smiling or chuckling. She tried to remind herself that this was for practice, that it was a serious matter, and that she had to remain focused. But sometimes, she just couldn't help it. Venus was an easy person to be around and there was no denying it.

So it didn't surprise Cecelia that Venus kept a cool head when she told her about her leaving for the Capitol for a few days. Sure she asked questions and of course she was suspicious, but like the brunette expected she acted as understanding as she naturally was. Venus had no idea of her situation with the capital nor her deal with Snow, so she didn't expect her to know why she was going so abruptly. She refused to get Venus involved, so she covered the truth with yet another lie. Cecelia was just glad she would only have to do this once. She found herself lucky Snow had slowed down her Capitol visits since his Quarter Quell announcement, perhaps too preoccupied with preparations.

Instead of letting Venus know about her 'clients', she told her that she had to stay for a few days in the Capitol for some photo shoots and interviews, which was not a complete lie. She did have to keep up a facade, as she was practically the face of the capital, so her public appearances were a normal occurrence. Venus looked skeptical, but ultimately let the matter go and simply told her she would see her when she got back.

Because Venus was the only person she would have to inform about her departure, Cecelia now found herself on the train with no one but the peacekeepers and staff that had attended. The girl sat still in her seat, hands in her lap and eyes glued to the passing scenery just outside the window. She remained silent as the air around her, the only sound in the room coming from one of the air vents in the corner of the room.

Because District One was so close in proximity to the Capitol, she had only been on the train for a mere hour before she began to see the tall buildings and city lights indicating her train ride was coming to a close.

Avoxes scurried around her like mice to finish last minute preparations and clean the train cars for whoever the next passengers would be. She made her way back to her quarters to give the staff room to work, and started on gathering her things together. The trip had been short so nothing was unpacked, but Cecelia made sure to put on her shoes and apply a few touch-ups to her makeup and hair. She knew there would be cameras on her as soon as her feet touched Capitol ground, and she also knew Snow would expect her looking her best.

Cecelia felt the train slow to a stop and smoothed out her dress once more in the mirror before walking back to the main living area where she would be exiting with her luggage in tow. An Avox with delicate features and dark, curly hair was quick to take her bags from her hands. The young girl stood stock-still next to the Victor, waiting to follow Cecelia in her departure. Cecelia noticed the girl looked nervous, so she turned and sent a slight smile her way, hoping to ease her nerves. She received a blush and a sheepish smile in return before facing the doors once again, preparing herself for the crowds she knew would be waiting on the other side.

And sure enough, just as she had expected, the moment the doors slid open a wave of photographers and reporters swarmed her with jumbled voices and flashing cameras. Still, she was caught off guard for just a moment, being blinded by the lights, before gaining her composure and plastering on a bright smile for Panem. She played the role of a Career and Victor effortlessly, molding back into the character Snow had so carefully constructed for her. She walked through the sea of journalists, waving and smiling the whole time.

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