26. Direct Sunlight

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I just don't care. My deep set eyes, prominent without concealer. Still, I don't care. No makeup. No ironing. I'm enjoying not caring.

My first patient today needed to go to x-ray to establish where the six razorblades he swallowed yesterday were in his GI tract. I had to escort him. Patient number two had florid psychosis. Ordered by the court to be hospitalized as she awaited a bed in the psych ward. She spat at me, declared me incompetent as a nurse. Then placed the 12th voodoo curse on me this week. She vomited her medications because I am poisoning her. As if I'm the Evil Queen disguised as the scary old hag...I'll wear makeup tomorrow. I smiled blissfully as I returned with security and a needle.

X-ray called for me to escort my patient back. The razors were in the lower GI--resting peacefully...for now. I educated him in terms of pain with bowel movements. Talked about the situation that led to his suicidality. Depression and how it acts inside all of us. Discussed the common side effects he was experiencing with his medication. Held his hand while he cried.

I took a family call for an update on a patient. Vitals signs had to be taken and meals needed passing out. I returned to the station for a phone call inquiring the condition of grandmom. Grandmom will be fine as long as grandson stop bringing in fatback and fried chicken. I held my urge to urinate to cover my insulins. I returned to the station to waiting families--requesting a new update and demanding to talk to a doctor. I finished up some more assessments and another round of meds. More families...more questioning. Which doctors have rounded...what did they say? I tried answering as many questions as possible then organized my off unit testing into one big sweep. My echo's, stress, CT, MRI, carotid dopplers, LE dopplers, and barium swallows. I returned to the station....more families... more questions...what are the results to the test? No results are back yet. I reviewed new orders and medication time changes. More families...is grandpa coming home today? Has grandma ate lunch today? My stomach growled. I have a discharge without a ride home. I called social. I waited for social. I called a cab. I ate two moonpies and a graham cracker. Admissions flood in and are hungry. I called for meals and had them settled in. I charted between call lights. Families. Questions....same questions! April! Thank God for April! My shift was over.

"Cala, wait up!" Dr. Mawem called behind me as I headed to my Toyota to go home. It was quitting time. I've clocked out. I'm not turning around. I don't care if the entire hospital called out. They best call the national guard. I pressed the unlock on my key to pop my trunk and drop my bag inside so that he could see my intentions on going home. "Hey, I've been trying to reach you for the longest."

"Oh, yea? How may I help you?" I kept my tone flat with him. I never forgot how rude he was to me.

"I'm sorry. I was a swine before. You have every right to be despondent with me for being such an intolerable wanker." his British terms made my head hurt.

"I'm not despondent with you. I've paid you and your wanker no attention." I closed my trunk then eyed him briefly between his legs. He rubbed his jaw at the lewd remark.

"I deserve that...I would like to take you out for dinner... you can insult me over some posh wine and Italian if you like." I looked to him tiredly. I was starving,

"I don't--"

"I can get you last term students the rest of the week."

"Sold!... tonight?" I shook on our arrangement and he cackled. Having students all week meant I get to come to work and sit on my ass unless they were fuck ups. The man ran a great bargain.

"Yes... right now, if you'll allow me."

"Lead the way." I walked over to Yazid's beamer and we rolled off.

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