your crazy

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"I didn't want to scare Hope, but I had to do it to prove that supernaturals exist," I said

They were not happy, and Rebekah was the most unpleased. She yelled:, "you couldn't give the girls any warning you freaked them out, and now they will never step foot inside this house."

I said "she is the most powerful being to exist the truth has been hidden from her whole life she deserves to know what happens if she kills someone and triggers her werewolf side or gets killed and triggers her vampire side she will be alone, and we can't have that. And Freya about that blonde is she somehow related to this world because her mothers are vampires."

Freya said, "from the lineage test we did, she is a witch, and I don't know about her sister I need some DNA, but I believe that she is one too. They obviously have their power suppressed next time you see them. Elijah looks for anything that sticks out; it would have a Blackstone in it. It will be some type of jewelry most likely."

"I plan on seeing them tonight. I have to apologize for my actions and explain to them that everything is going on."

They all nodded and left the dining room, and I made my way over to the girl's house. The drive was quiet, and all I could think was that I wasn't going to Fail. Hope like I failed her father. I saw their house and knocked on the door, and Josie opened it and said: "come in Hope is on the couch."

As I walked in, I saw Hope and Lizzie, and their face of pure terror showed I said: "girls, could you come with me please."

They just stood still, and Caroline walked in and said, "they don't want to go with you, so leave Elijah. I looked in her eyes and said: "The girls will come with me."

She had to follow what I said perks of being an original, I guess, and said, "girls, there's no time to waste. They both hesitantly Got up and walked outside with Hope, and I said: "we will come with you, but don't hurt our parents, please."

"I wouldn't dream of it, child, but I thought we have an honest chat just the three of us."

They followed beside me, and I said: "I didn't mean to scare you back at the house. I needed you to believe us when I said our family is supernatural."

Hope said, "what am I then?"

"that's hard to explain, but your everything. You were born a witch and possessed massive power witch is being suppressed by." I saw a black stone on her necklace and ripped it off and said: "by this stone."

I saw one on Lizzie bracelet and took it off as well and said: "your mothers are just like me. They are vampires, and they suppressed your magic by giving you this stone."

Lizzie yelled, "our moms are not vampires; you sound crazy."

"do I have you ever wondered why your mom looked 18 her whole life good genes I don't think so she never ages. And your stepmom Katherine I would have killed, but Hope obviously cares for her, so I didn't do it."

Hope said, "prove we are witches."

I said, "tomorrow, come to the house, and Freya will start your magic training, and don't worry about the school. I will take care of it."

"what do you mean to take of it your not going to kill them, are you."

I laughed and said, "child that is unnecessary I will compel them to mark you there and give you two passing grades."

"okay fine, we will be there tomorrow."

Hope Pov

We watched as my uncle walked away, and both Lizzie and I were stunned. We can't be witches. It's not possible, but I guess tomorrow we will see. I said, "Lizzie, are you okay. I know that was a lot of information to take in my head is still spinning."

"do you think it's true about mom's you know being Vampires."

I said, "I don't know, but let's not say anything until we can confirm everything that my uncle Elijah said okay."

"Okay, Hope I trust you, and what do you think he meant by your all 3 how is that possible."

"I don't know, but we will find out tomorrow."

Elijah Pov

I walked into the house and then into the dining room, and everyone was waiting for the news, good or bad. When Freya said, "are you going to tell us what happened or just stand there."

"Patience Freya, I convinced them to come here to train with you."

Freya said, "Oh, okay, I will set up a lesson for them something simple to start off with."

Rebekah said, "did you tell them about their mothers?"

I said, "I had too, but I don't think they believed me soon they will, and she will come running to us from feeling betrayed."

Lizzie Pov

We walked into the house, and our mother had a scared face on. She ran to us and expected every inch of our body and said: "what happened? Did he hurt you."

Hope said, "no, we just talked about what happened at dinner he came to apologize for yelling at us; that's it."

"oh, thank god, I thought he would do never mind. It doesn't matter."

Hope and I gave our mother a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs. We both walked into my room and just collapsed on the bed. We snuggled up next to each other, and we closed our eyes. I had my hands over Hope, and I felt something it felt like pure energy traveling through my whole body, and I opened my eyes and said: "um Hope what's happening?"

"what do you mean, Lizzie."

"Look at my hands there, glowing red."

she opened her eyes and fell off the bed, and my hands went back to normal, and I said: "my hands glowed when they were on you."

I took my hand and put it out for Hope to grab as she did. They started to glow again, and I don't know what it meant, but we both knew that tomorrow we would get some answers."

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