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Lizzie and I didn't get much sleep last night, and it's not because we had sex. It's because of what happened with Lizzie every time she touched me. Her hands glowed up bright and red, and I didn't feel any pain or anything, but it bothered Lizzie. When it was time to leave to go training or whatever we acted like we were going to school and left. I drove us to the Mikaelson Mansion, and we walked up to the front door.

We just starred at the door and knocked, and as my hand hit the door, Kol opened it and said: "welcome back and just so you know Vampires can hear everything, so I heard you two standing there for like five minutes."

We walked in, and Lizzie had an anxious look on her face she thought that something was wrong with her we saw my aunt Freya and Lizzie ran up to her and said: "there's something wrong with me I need your help."

She looked beyond confused and said, "what happened."

She made me give her my arm, and she reached out and touched it, and the same red glow thing happened.

Freya observed us for a minute and said, "last night when I did a test to see what supernatural being you were, there was something off. You're not just a witch your also a siphon. You can absorb magic from celestial objects and creatures."

Lizzie let out a gasp and said: "I don't want to hurt anyone accidentally."

Freya smiled and said, "we will teach you how to control it, and this whole time you were holding Hope's hand, she didn't feel any pain when she was supposed to. This must mean she has so much power that you are draining. Some didn't affect her."

I said, "who is we? I thought you were the only witch."

Freya laughed and said, "I am not the only witch Davina is also one, and Kol was one, so we will teach you how to use and control magic within you so that you don't accidentally hurt anyone."

"When do we start," Lizzie asked

Freya said, "right now, can the both of you join me in the dining room."

We followed her there, and all sat down. We waited for any direction or anything, but we were in complete silence until Kol and Davina walked in.

Davina said, "you girls ready to do some cool things."

I and Lizzie nodded she told us to follow her to the backyard and what we saw outside looked like an obstacle course.

Davina said, "Hope you're with me Lizzie you're with Freya."

We kissed each other good luck and went out separate ways. I walked to the woods area behind the house with Davina, and she said, "okay, Hope to do magic. You need to feel everything inside you. Take deep breaths in and out till you feel a sense of calm."

I did as she said I breathed in and out, letting everything go with each breath I took. Then she said, "Hope do you see this dead rose? I want you to bring it back to life."

I said very confusedly, "um I think you missed a step. How am I supposed to do that."

She smiled and said, "what you want to do is concentrate on the rose and say fleurs penitent over and over again."

I closed my eyes and paid attention to the rose and kept saying the phrase, and I opened my eyes to see it still was dead and said: "maybe I am not a witch."

Davina smiled and said, "look around you, Hope."

I turned around and did a 360 the whole forest was alive again; there were flowers everywhere and said: "I did that."

"yea, you did. You're a natural."

I heard a scream and recognized that it was Lizzie. I said: " I have to go see what's wrong."

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