The Kiss

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"Josie, why did you do that Hope was about to tell me something before you interrupted us I just told her." I stuttered, "I'm gay."

"I had no idea, I'm sorry."

"you know what just stay out of my and Hope's relationship. I appreciate what you did don't think I don't, but I want to do this on my own."

"okay fine, sorry again."

I gave my sister a hug, and she walked out of my room. I don't know what Hope was going to say, but it kills me that I don't know. I have to find out when I hear a knock on the door, and I go to open it, and it's Hope I say "come in" and close the door behind her. She sits on my bed, and it looks like she has a lot on her mind, so I sit next to her, and my heart is leaping out of my chest and just waited for her to say something. The next words could be really good or bad. Its been a couple minutes, and my anxiety was through the roof, so I was going to break the ice, and just I spoke my first word as she did, and we both laughed.

I said, "Hope I am your best friend when did we become so awkward to talk around each other I remember when we just talked for hours."

Hope smiled and said, "I also remember when we showered together and played house, but honestly, I don't know Lizzie I would love if we talked like we used to I missed our chats. It's been hard to talk to you when I have been hiding something from you for years.

Maybe this was it. She was finally going to tell me how she feels about me and said: "like what Hope."

"I'm Gay Lizzie, and I know it might come as a shocker, but I like girls."

I tried to hold back a laugh but couldn't and just filled the room with my annoying ass voice, and Hope looked so confused and said: "what I am being serious."

I didn't say anything I pulled out my phone and pulled up a video from last year from when Hope got her wisdom teeth pulled, and I drove her back home, and she was all loopy, and I recorded the whole encounter and Hope said that she is gay in front of the entire dentist office.

She watched it for a minute, and when she heard her own voice screaming that she is gay from the top of her lungs, she turned the phone off and looked at me and started laughing too. She said, "why didn't you say anything."

"it was your secret to tell, but just to think that the secret you have been keeping from me, I already knew."

"maybe we can have one of those long conversations."

She nodded her head, and that's what we did we talked for hours on end about girls in our school when finding out and everything about the school year including the party that Penelope is throwing the next day and we decided to go because we have to enjoy the time we have left in high school.

We fell asleep on top of each other that was normal for us or at least used to be.


I feel the sun on my face and start to open my eyes, and for a second I forgot Hope slept with me last night so when I saw her head on my chest I had a small heart attack and then all the memories came back and I relaxed and just watched the short girl sleep peacefully on me. I heard a weird noise coming from Hope and say, "good morning to you too."

"five more minutes."

"Whatever you need."

Those 5 mins turned into three hours after the first 30, I fell back asleep to Hope's rhythmic breathing.

This time its Hope who woke up first. I heard her talking to Katherine when I open my eyes, and Hope says, "looks like goldie locks woke up."

"I woke up before you nut you insisted on 5 more minutes."

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