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I woke up to the cold sensation against my face. Ice-cold water was dripping down my face creating a burning sensation on the area where the bruises are still present from the previous torture session. I did not have any energy left to fight, to protest and most importantly to rescue myself from them. I smelt him even before I saw him. My Lycanthrope senses now fully alerted as she felt his presence in the same room as us.

My canines extended at the sight of him. His blonde hair were perfectly made with no hairs falling on his face, his expensive Armani suit had no crinkles. All I could think about was how great it will be to sink my canines into his flesh, how it will feel to torture him like he tortured me, how it will feel to tear him apart to take my revenge.

Never in my two hundred years of existence have I despised anyone as I despise him. My skin crawl whenever he is in the same room as me and sadly he is a lot as he is my captor and as much as I hate it, this is my reality. I am at his mercy and he can control me as he wishes.

I saw him smirking at my appearance which is repulsive to me. My old tattered clothes barely covered my skin, my greasy hairs which I have not washed in so long were all over the place, my face bruised and partly healing.

His eye roamed down my body from head-to-toe. A satisfactory glance which is permanently present in his eyes was familiar to me. Disgust filled me as I saw his eyes stopping on my chest area and lust was showing in his eyes. His eyes came back to my face and we made eye contact.

I saw his lips moving, talking something but I was not listening. Licking my chapped lips all I could think was of different ways to kill him.

An angry feature took over his face when he realized  that I was not paying attention to him. Then all of a sudden a smirk came over his face which stilled my body as I knew what this expression meant but I knew better than to show him how I was feeling. When he spoke this time I paid attention to him.

“I see you have partially healed from the previous beating my man gave you and I believe you know what that means?”  I knew what he was suggesting but I would never succumb to his wish.

With confidence I replied “Fuck you and your disgusting desire. You know I would never willingly give you my body even if you break every single bone in my body.”

“I see still the stubborn little girl I always knew. But you also know I get what I want and no one can deprive me of my desires. Now be a good girl and get down on your four legs.’’ He commanded me. I knew how he was but I would never give him the satisfaction of breaking my strong-will. I did not comply to his command and remained sitting against the cell walls and kept looking in his eyes to show him that I would not back down. His face was full of fury when he saw my defiance.

He reached forward and yanked my hairs in his hand. “ do as I say or I will take you against your will, the hard way”. My head was paining from his strong grip but I didn’t show him his affect on me.

I could not believe that this was the same man who held my hand while walking so that I didn’t fall, who was my shoulder to cry on whenever I felt like crying and who gave me strength whenever I felt like falling apart.
I could not understand this, this sudden change in his behaviour.

“ why are you doing this to me? I thought you were my friend. I thought you promised to be by my side, to cherish me? What changed you so much that I can barely recognize you anymore? Tell me, please” my voice broke at the end. No one except him has seen this side of me not even my parents. In front of my family and pack I was the person who could not be approached easily. I was daughter of their fearless leader. I was the daughter of king Darius.

“tsk you may be the most powerful and intelligent lycanthrope ever to be born but when it comes to me you are a fool. How stupid of you to believe my lies and love me. I really did ruin you for good huh? Don’t worry I will take care of you like I promised you all those years ago. I just need to break your body and spirit to get my revenge from you beloved father and after I accomplice that I will kill you slowly and painfully. You will be begging for me to release you from your misery. Just wait and watch this happen very soon.”

All the feelings of love for him vanished after hearing his statement. I felt nothing for him I was devoid of any feelings for him. I started laughing in his face like a mad women I was laughing so much that tears were pouring out of my eyes. My hysteria confused him. Hell it confused me too but after hearing his future plans for me I could not stop. I thought  I was the fool to fall for his lies and to let him break through my wall I have spent years building but how wrong of him to think that he could break me, to kill me.

“ you claim me to be the stupid one to believe you but think again you do realize that I am the most dangerous lycanthrope  for a reason and a simple lycanthrope like you can never break me much less kill me.” I spoke breathlessly.

He did not like my words that was clear but now I could care less of what he thought of me or how upset my words make him. He spoke, “ It seems like you will not do what I want east way. No problem you will in due time till then enjoy you stay here.” He took a syringe out of his pocket and injected it in my neck.

Slowly I started to lose my consciousness but before falling into darkness I made a promise to myself, a promise to make him suffer and for him to be at my mercy helpless as I was right now. Making a vow I started falling into darkness.
How’s the prologue? I hope you guys like it. It’s crazy how I wrote so much in the prologue alone because I believe that people take interest in a book after reading the prologue or the first chapter. If you like it please comment and fill the star down below. Stay healthy and blessed.
Love ,

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