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song of the day



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I jogged as Breaking Benjamin's song Diary of Jane blasted in my earphone. I was on my regular morning run, occasionally jumping on any wooden log laying around. My run came to a halt as I reached my pack border. Turning around I went back by the same route I just came.

My pack was big in land and in members. We had a reputation of being strict, disciplined and brave which is true as my father, the former alpha thought that you can only achieve success in life by maintaining these. My father was hard and strict but not to the point that people feared him to even approach him. He was reasonable.

I have learned alot from him as he was my guardian in becoming a successful alpha like him. I look up to him and follow him. I am just like him and I am proud of who I am.

I reached my pack house and immediately smelled the breakfast. I went to the dining room and saw my mom, Caroline, setting the table. I went to her and kissed her cheeks " Good morning Mom" "Good morning son. How was your morning run?" She laid the dishes on the kitchen and asked me.

"The usual." I shrugged for more emphasis.

"Come on go and get freshen up. You seriously stink" she made a face of disgust. "I do not!" I gasped playfully in an attempt to make her smile. I succeeded.

I walked up to the third floor of the mansion. The third floor was the one where all the high ranking officials of the pack resided. If any families want to have bigger space for their family then they can move out and built themselves a bigger house in convenience to them.

After showering I chose a white crisp shirt with tight-fitted black dress pants neatly tucked in. I ruffled my dark black hair to give them a natural 'out of the bed' look. I smirked at my appearance in the mirror.

Walking down the stairs I could hear the hustle in the dining room. All the pack member sit together and eat. It is a rule mandatory for everyone one in the pack house. We have the household chores shared between many members who volunteer to do so. We have cooks but my mother sometimes love to fatten us up herself.

When I reached the table the room grew quite. I sat down at the head table. Nodding at all the members as my greeting of morning I started eating my food. As I finished my first bite, everyone started eating their food and the room was back to it's original state.

My beta, Xavier engaged with me on the talk of the rogue problem we have been dealing with for some weeks. His mate, Anna, a pretty brunette, was ready for the school but was still in the state of half asleep. He was feeding her as well as feeding himself. He looked at her with adoration and love as she kept eating with her half eyelid open. I felt a longing building inside me as I watched them. I wanted it. I wanted this with my mate.

I was already twenty-one and without a mate. Normally, werewolves find their mates when they turn eighteen but that doesn't seems to be my case.

When we had completed our food we bid our goodbye to our families and piled in our cars for school.

In my car, Xavier and Anna were sitting in the backseat as Xavier's younger sister Lana was sitting in the front seat with me. All of them were talking amongst themselves as I paid then no mind but I tuned in when they talked about a new student.

"...I heard she is pretty. Like model-like pretty you know with high cheek bones and a perfect figure but she seems pretty cold." She told us describing her features which I bet she read in that stupid gossip group in social media.

"Are you sure that she is a Lycan? All the Lycans disappeared three years ago when the war broke between them. They have been laying low for years." Xavier fired his questions at her wanting to know more about her.

"She's a Lycan? Why did you not tell me before" I questioned them. Slightly angry at them that they kept such a crucial information from me.

"We did. But you were far more concentrated on driving then paying attention to our 'useless gossip' as you put it." Lana rolled her eyes.

"And as for her being a Lycan she confirmed it in Mr. Parkers class when he asked her" she continued in a bored tone.

"But why would she come here and expose herself to the outer world?" Anna asked in a confused tone.

"I am not sure but I think I heard the elders talk in the pack few years ago about how someone close to the royal family betrayed them and killed them, even the future heir" Xavier said in a deep voice as if it was a secret and he did not want others to hear it.

"That's awful!" Lana exclaimed seemingly shocked at her brother's relevation. Not gonna lie, I also did not know about this. No one really knows what happened three years ago.

"Betrayal cuts more deep when it is from someone close" Anna said in a voice just above a whisper as if remembering something or someone more specifically.

Xavier was quick to notice her dampening mood and held her hand, running circles to soothe her. "It's's all in the past babe, no one can hurt you now. You are safe with me" he started whispering in her ear. It seems to be working as she gave him a small smile in return.

The rest of the ride was a complete blur as Lana decided to shut her mouth and sit quietly. I parked my car in the designated parking place given to me and my beta and gamma. Many girls tried to hide their want towards me but it was useless as their actions gave it away.

" I wonder where your stalker is. She is always here to wish you 'good morning babe' everyday" Lana said, trying to imitate Autumn's deafening voice. She was no where near her screeching voice.

"I wonder that too" Anna piped in, her previous dull mood now replaced by playfulness.

"Please do not talk about her who knows from where she pops up every single day. I don't want a headache from her constant stupidity " Xavier groaned.

"She is just like that annoying crockroach who pops out of the corners and does not go even after spraying that awful spray" Lana tried to humour us.

" let's just hope that she is somewhere in the corner busy with her broken perfectly manicured nail" I said in a hopeful tone.

They all chuckled and we went inside the hall. I think the day is going to be good but it turned out to be completely different from what I expected. Totally, utterly different.

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