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song of the day



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I was putting my book bag inside my locker when I sensed Magnum, my gamma approaching me. His mate Haley was by his side. Magnum was the kind of guy that looked too scary to be even around. Sometimes he took the role of being gamma far too seriously but he is the best I've ever got.

"Good morning Alpha" they greeted me together. Haley was a chirpy girl. Always smiling and kind whereas Magnum was always scowling.

"You don't have to call me Alpha all the time you know that right. I may be your Aplha but we have been friends since childhood." Which was true. He and Xavier have been with me for as long as I could remember.

"I know but it's just the habit I guess" he gave out a chuckle.

"By the way I've got to go. I promised to meet Anna near the washroom before going to class. Bye everyone." Haley said before waving at us and giving Magnum a peck on his lips.

Magnum kept gazing at her retreating form until she disappeared along with the other students. Xavier whistled while looking at him. "Man you are whipped! I never thought I would see you going all goo-goo eyes with any girl."

Magnum shook his head chuckling "but aren't we all whipped? Who would have guessed that we would be eating chocolates and going shoppings with our girls".

"That is so true! But poor Eli here does not have one to do such exciting dates" Xavier said feigning sadness.

I scowled at him and jabbed my elbow in his ribs " Think before you speak Xavier. And who said that I am longing for these girly dates? I don't remember saying that. Do you?"

Xavier laughed in a way that suggested he knew something that I did not,"You can deny all you want but remember you can't hide your feelings from us. We know you. The real you."

Magnum nodded " Yeah for the first time Xavier said something correct"

I did not react. They were correct even I could not deny it.

"Well I guess the cat's out of the bag huh?"

"Cat reminds me remember the time when Xavier was trying to court Anna to go on a date with him and tried to impress her by gifting a cat to her?" Magnum suddenly said with a mischievous glint in his eye. I knew what he was trying to do. Diverting the subject from me and for that I was glad.

"I do! It was so hilarious seeing him trying to tame a wild cat" I started laughing so hard that I threw my head back. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"It was not that hilarious. That cat just scratched my face a few times." Xavier grumbled with a frown on his face.

"Dude it was! Who even gave you the idea that gifting a stray cat would make her date you?" Magnum exclaimed.

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